The Fossil Record
Patterns of Evolution (1)
Patterns of Evolution (2)
Motion and Momentum (1)
Motion and Momentum (2)

This is the preserved remains of a once-living organism.

What is a Fossil?


This scientist created one of the foundational theorems for evolution, the Theory of Natural Selection.

Who is Charles Darwin?


This statement is either True or False:

"Domesticated animals (cats, dogs, cows) are the result of Natural Selection."

What is False.


This scientist and mathematician developed important laws of motion that describe how forces interact with objects and cause motion.

Who is (Sir) Isaac Newton?


There are this many "Laws of Motion."

What is Three?


An electromagnet requires this to function.

What is an electric current?


This is the totality of all fossils on Earth.

What is the Fossil Record?


This is one of the 5 pieces of evidence that support the Theory of Natural Selection.

What are Fossils?

What is Ancient Organism Remains?

What are Anatomical Similarities?

What are Genetic Similarities?

What are Embryology Similarities?


This common phrase describes individuals with inferior characteristics being outcompeted by those with better characteristics.

What is "Survival of the fittest."


This law of motion states that an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by unbalanced forces. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and direction unless acted on by unbalanced forces.

What is Newton's 1st law?


This is the description of Newton's 3rd law of motion.

What is "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."


These two things determine the strength of an electromagnet.

What is the voltage from the power source and the number of times the wire is coiled?


This is one reason that the fossilization of an organism is rare.

What is it requires the remains or imprints of an organism to be buried quickly?

What is it also requires dead remains to not be decomposed or consumed by scavengers?


This is the genetic material that all living being share.

What is DNA?


This refers to the differences between individuals of the same species.

What is Variation?


Newton's 1st law describes the tendency to resist change in motion. This phenomenon goes by this other name.

What is Inertia?


This is the combined result of all forces acting on an object.

What is Net Force?


This device uses magnets to create an electric current and thus, electricity.

What is an electric generator?


This is one reason the fossil record is limited and does not include all animals.

What is because the bodies of soft-bodied organisms easily decompose?

What are most fossils are of organisms with hard parts.


This is the earliest form of an unborn organism.

What is an Embryo?


During sexual reproduction, DNA from two different parents is divided and recombined to form a unique combination of DNA in an offspring. This process is called ___________.

What is Recombination?


This is an example of which law of motion: If a boy applies the same force to each wagon, the wagon that has twice as much mass will accelerate half as fast. It would take twice the amount of force to accelerate the wagon with 20 kg the same as the wagon with 10 kg.

What is Newton's 2nd Law?


This law of motion describes why it takes time for a car to stop.

What is Newton's 1st law or the Law of Inertia?


This is what scientists call a species that fills the gaps in a fossil record.

What is a transitional species?


This statement is either true or false:

"The Theory of Natural Selection tells us that all organisms have a common ancestor."

What is True?


These are two major disadvantages of artificial selection.

What are decreased species diversity and the creation of harmful organisms/species?


This is the equation for Newton's second law of motion.

What is (f = ma) or force = mass x acceleration?


This law of motion matches the following example: When a rocket blasts off, the force of its powerful engines pushes down on Earth’s surface. This is the action. The reaction is that Earth’s surface pushes the rocket upward with an equally strong force, causing the rocket to move upward into space.

What is Newton's 3rd Law?
