States: matter is not created or destroyed
what is the principle of conservation of mass?
it has the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum
what is radio waves?
is the unit used to acceleration
what is m/s2
An element's position in the periodic table is based on this
what are the number of protons in the nucleus?
What galaxy is the earth located?
what is the milky way?
is the type of change that happens when chemical bonds break and new bonds form
what is a chemical change?
A chemical reaction that releases heat is known as this
what is an exothermic reaction?
is the type of plate boundary where the sea-floor spreading occurs
what is divergent?
Element group that are shiny, malleable, ductile, and good conductirs
what are the metals?
The earth is part of which type of galaxy? Spiral, Elliptical, or Irregular?
what is spiral?
a decomposing or rotting fruit is an example of what type of change
what is chemical change?
is the SI unit for force
what is Newton?
is the organelle where the cellular respiration takes place
what is the mitochondria?
Are element found along the zig zag on a periodic table.
what are metalloids ?
is the tide with the least difference between consecutive low and high tides.
what is a neap tide?
is the only sure evidence for a chemical reaction
what is a new substance?
is where a star is formed.
what is a nebula?
is the moon phase in which a lunar eclipse happens
what is a full moon
are the most abundant metals in Earth's inner core>
what are iron and nickle?
The moon phases Earth is experiencing during neap tides
what are 1st Quarter and 3rd Quarter?
the substances listed on the left side of a chemical equation
what are the reactants?
Earth's atmosphere is composed of about 78 percent of this element
what is nitrogen?
is an example of a greenhouse gas
what is carbon dioxide?
The chemical reaction between sodium (na) and Chlorine (Cl) forms this
what is NaCl or salt?
Place the following in order from smallest to largest:
Planet, Nebula, Star, Galaxy, Solar System
what is Planet, Star, Nebula, Solar System, Galaxy?