Anything that has _____ also has gravity
What is Newton's 3 law state?
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
When rolling different sizes of rocks downhill, how would the kinetic energy of the rocks be affected by their mass?
Kinetic energy increases as mass increases
When two objects interact, each one exerts a ____________ on the other that can cause _____________ to be transferred to or from the object.
force; energy
Who discovered gravity
sir Issac newton
What is Newton's third law of the hammer nail?
The force of the hammer on the nail will be equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction, to the force of the nail on the hammer
If a baseball and a basketball had the same mass. How would their kinetic energies compare if both were rolling down a slope at the same speed?
The basketball would have more kinetic energy
At which position on the diagram would an apple have the greatest potential energy?
Given two objects, the object with the _______ mass will be pulled to the object with the _______ mass.
A swimmer pushes against the water, while the water pushes the swimmer
A student rides a bicycle at different speeds. How would the kinetic energy of the bicycle change as the speed increases?
Kinetic energy increases as speed increases
_______________ potential energy depends on its distance from the ground. The potential energy decreases the _____________ the object is to the ground
Gravitational; further
Why do all the other planets in our solar system revolve around the sun?
The Sun has the greatest mass of any object in the solar system. As such, everything else will be attracted toward it.
A person is standing in a bus. When the bus starts moving forward suddenly
The person moves backward
Which of the following factors affect the kinetic energy of an object?
Mass and speed of the object
An illustration of a roller-coaster is provided. At which point in the roller-coaster’s journey along the track does it have the greatest potential energy?
Many planets in our solar system (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) have rings. If these rings are made of chunks of debris, why do they form around the planet and not travel toward the Sun?
the rings are much closer to the planets than to the sun hence there will be a greater gravitational pull toward the planets than to the sun
Why does a hammer stop when it hits a nail?
The “reaction” is the force of the nail pushing upwards on the hammer, which stops the hammer
If a bicycle has a mass of 15 kg and is moving at a speed of 10 m/s, what is its kinetic energy?
750 J
Two balloons are given an electrostatic charge by rubbing them with a wool cloth.
Which observation provides evidence of the force that the balloons exert on each other over a distance because of their charge?
Moving Balloon 1 can make Balloon 2 move without the balloons touching.