Figurative Language

"Like burnt-out torches by a sick man's bed."

What type of figurative language is being used?



John’s nostrils flared as he stared at Lisa.  He couldn’t believe she’d taken Michael to the game without making asking him first. 

How did the author show not tell that John was upset? 

nostrils flared 


Hinting or suggesting future events in the story is known as..



A direct quotation begins with....

a capital letter


Which part of the plot introduces the characters, setting, and background information?



"After getting my report card / I knew it was time to hit the books."

What type of figurative language is being used?



Jared’s heart raced as he peered at his phone. He willed his hand to stop shaking as he slowly read the text again.  

How did the author show not tell that Jared was nervous?

heart race and shaking


The audience seeing the villain behind the door but the character does not, is an example of what type of irony?



In dialogue, what do you need to do when a different person begins to speak?

Indent (make a new paragraph)

Which is the point of highest tension or conflict in the story called?



As we walked through the scorching desert, the sun beat down on us.  Our skin felt as if it were melting off our bodies.

What is being personified in this sentence?

The sun is being personified in this example.  The human characteristic the sun is displaying is ‘beating down’ on the people walking.


Which trait best describes Kalvin based on the text?

Kalvin found a wallet on the ground. He opened up the wallet and saw an old woman's ID card. Kalvin took the money out of the wallet and threw the wallet in a ditch.



What is the difference between connotation and denotation? 

Connotation: feeling of the word

Denotation: dictionary definition


"i'll be there soon" he said.

What is wrong with this piece of dialogue?

 Missing capital letter at the beginning of the quote and comma


What are the five elements of plot?

exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution

In the sentence, "He is a real Romeo," what type of figurative language is being used?



Which trait best describes Jared based on the text?

Jared is a football player training over the summer for next season. The coach demands that all players come in at 6:00 AM and lift weights until 8:00 AM, when practice begins. Jared gets there at 5:00 AM to begin his training.



The bald eagle for America, doves for peace, and spring for new beginnings are all examples of...  



Which sentence is written correctly?

(1) “This is my favorite restaurant.” Said Sally.

(2)“This is my favorite restaurant,” said Sally.



(2) “This is my favorite restaurant,” said Sally.



The event that "rocks" your characters world, send them on a journey is known as the.. 

inciting incident


 I had a wonderful time with my family on our camping trip to the lake. The lake was as warm as a Jacuzzi, so my brother and I swam every day. After swimming, Dad took us fishing in a rowboat and we caught five trout. We moved along the lake like a sloth, but we were happy to be together. In the evenings we would watch the stars glitter like Christmas lights.

What are the three similes in this excerpt? 

"The lake was as warm as a jacuzzi"

"We moved along the lake like a sloth"

"glitter like Christmas lights"


Mary was the meanest girl ever.

How can you change this sentence to show not tell that Mary is mean?


Mary burst through the school doors, hitting them open so hard that they almost ripped off their hinges. As she stormed down the hall, she shoved classmates out of her way and into the walls. She reached her locker, but two people stood in front of it. “Out of my way, losers!” she yelled and threw her backpack at them.


Mom walked into the kitchen to put the grocery bags down on the counter when she noticed shattered glass from the picture window all over the living room floor and a baseball not far from there.  “I’m going to kill you, Tommy!” Mom yelled to herself as she realized that Tommy’s shoes were gone.

What can we infer happened to the window?

Tommy broke the window playing baseball. 


Which of the following sentences has the correct placement for an interrupting dialogue tag?

(1) "I'm not sure," she said, "what do now."

(2) "I'm not sure," she said "What do to now."

(1) "I'm not sure," she said, "what do now."


Once there was a crow so thirsty that it was on the brink of death. In his quest to find water, the crow flew over a pitcher of water. When he reached the pitcher, he discovered that the water was only at the bottom of the container. It was too low for him to reach. He instantly tried everything he could think of to reach the water. He tried to push over the pitcher, but it would not budge. He tried to construct a straw out of reeds, but it did not work. Finally, he began to collect stones and place them one by one in the pitcher. Slowly, the water began to rise within his reach. Soon, his thirst was quenched.

What is the theme?

Never give up!
