Parts of Speech

Capitalize this sentence correctly:

i came home from paris last tuesday, and i plan on going again next summer.

I came home from Paris last Tuesday, and I plan on going again next summer.


Add the commas where needed:

In the morning before the sun rose we started our hike.

In the morning before the sun rose, we started our hike.

Place the apostrophes correctly:

The teachers lounge was crowded with staff members.

The teachers' lounge was crowded with staff members. 


Identify the simple subject and simple predicate:

Yesterday, the class went outside for recess.

Subject: (the) class

Predicate: went


Identify the parts of speech of the underlined word:

He slowly walked across the room.



Capitalize this sentence correctly:

i love going to new york city around christmas time, and last year i got to visit the american museum of natural history.

I love going to New York City around Christmas time, and last year I got to visit The American Museum of Natural History.


Add the commas where needed: 

My brother who lives in Chicago is coming to visit next week.

My brother, who lives in Chicago, is coming to visit next week.


Place the apostrophes correctly:

Its important to remember that Ms. Zs classroom has 18 chairs. 

It's important to remember that Ms. Z's classroom has 18 chairs.


Identify the simple subject and simple predicate:

The students walked to the assembly room to wait for the principal's speech.

Subject: students

Predicate: walked


Identify the parts of speech of the underlined word:

Everyone lined up in the hallway.



Capitalize this sentence correctly: 

last year, we read the novel by john boyne, the boy in the striped pajamas, which took place during world war 2, and the outsiders by s.e. hinton.

Last year, we read the novel by John Boyne, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, which took place during World War 2, and The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.


Add the commas where needed:

After breakfast we packed our bags loaded the car and finally set out on our long trip which would take us through the mountains over the river and across wide open plains.

After breakfast, we packed our bags, loaded the car, and finally set out on our long trip which would take us through the mountains, over the river, and across wide open plains.

Place the apostrophes correctly:

It wasnt long before the geeses honking woke up the neighbors dogs, whose owners werent too happy about the noise.

It wasn't long before the geese's honking woke up the neighbors' dogs, whose owners weren't too happy about the noise.


Identify the simple subject and simple predicate:

The car has been repaired by the mechanic.

Subject: mechanic

Predicate: repaired


Identify the parts of speech of the underlined word:

We played soccer in the gym.

in = Preposition

the = article


Capitalize this sentence correctly:

last spring, we visited nasa's headquarters in washington d.c., where president biden gave a speech.

Last spring, we visited NASA's headquarters in Washington D.C., where President Biden gave a speech.


Add the commas where needed: 

As soon as the teacher entered the classroom she said "Good morning please take out your textbooks and everyone can turn to page 42".

As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, she said, "Good morning, please take out your textbooks, and everyone can turn to page 42".


Place the apostrophes correctly:

The students projects werent finished on time, so the teacher said, "Well extend the deadline until next week, but thats the last time!"

The students' projects weren't finished on time, so the teacher said, "We'll extend the deadline until next week, but that's the last time!"


Identify the simple subject and simple predicate:

Ms. Zahralban, the English teacher, reviewed what will be on the test that the students are taking. 

Subject: Ms. Zahralban

Predicate: Reviewed


Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words:

I always study for our math tests.

Always = adverb

math = adjective

tests= noun


Capitalize this sentence correctly:

during the meeting, dr. rodriguez said, "after reviewing the journal of clinical oncology, i believe we should reconsider our approach to this surgery".

During the meeting, Dr. Rodriguez said, "After reviewing The Journal of Clinical Oncology, I believe we should reconsider our approach to this surgery". 


Add the commas where needed:

This year we will read the play The Diary of Anne Frank but we will first read The Lord of the Flies by William Golding.

This year, we will read the play, The Diary of Anne Frank, but we will first read, The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding.


Place the apostrophes correctly:

The childrens teacher couldnt attend the meeting because she caught the flu, so the parents association decided theyd reschedule it.

The children's teacher couldn't attend the meeting because she caught the flu, so the parents' association decided they'd reschedule it.


Identify the simple subject and simple predicate:

Take out the garbage.

Subject: You

Predicate: Take (out)


Identify the parts of speech of the underlined word:

Did you hear the singing birds outside of the windows this morning?

Did = verb

Singing = adjective

Of = preposition
