I will love
Give 1 English derivative for nutrix, nutricis.
nutrition, nutrient, nurture
Wine, parties, panther
Who is Bacchus?
The first Roman Emperor
Who is Augustus?
Finish the phrase: April showers...
bring May flowers.
we will change
Give 1 English derivative for narro, narrare.
narrator, narration, narrative
Lightning bolt, eagle, oak tree
Who is Jupiter?
This emperor was a notable philosopher and wrote a book called "Meditations".
Who is Marcus Aurelius?
What Roman god is March named after?
they will be conquered
Give 1 English derivative for scribo, scribere.
script, scribe, scribble
Dolphin, trident, horse
Who is Neptune?
This entertainment facility was started by the emperor Vespasian and then finished by his son Titus.
What is the Colosseum?
What does "equinox" mean?
Equal day and night
you s. will be seen
Give 1 English derivative for signum, signi.
signal, signify, sign
Peacock, crown, cypress
Who is Juno?
This emperor came up with the idea to split rule of the empire between 4 rulers in the Eastern and Western empire.
Who is Diocletian?
In what month do we celebrate Earth Day?
you all will be led
Give 1 English derivative for credo, credere.
credible, incredible, credit
Lyre, bow and arrow, laurel branch
Who is Apollo?
Which emperor did the class vote to banish from the Empire?
Who is Domitian?
How many teams qualify for March Madness?