New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies

1) What is importing/exporting goods illegally to avoid tax?

2) Name one legendary pirate who promoted the illegal import/export of colonial goods.

1) What is smuggling?

2) Who was Blackbeard the Pirate/Edward Teach?


1) What was the term for crops sold for $$$?

2) What was the most valuable crop sold for $$$?

1) What are cash crops?

2) What were grains?


Name the 5 Southern colonies.

What are Maryland, Virginia, North/South Carolina, and Georgia?


1) What are groups of families with a common ancestor called?

2) How did they feel about outsiders?

1) What are clans?

2) What is they were suspicious and banded together?


What was the nickname given to the Middle Colonies for a key commodity they produced?

What was the "breadbasket" colonies? (For producing so much grain)


Name the area that ran along the Appalachian Mountains and through the far western part of other regions

What is the Backcountry?


1) What is another term for craftspeople?

2) Which immigrant group brought a strong tradition of craftsmanship to the Middle Colonies?

1) What is an artisan?

2) Who were German immigrants arriving between 1710 and 1710?


1) What is a deep blue dye grown on plantations?

2) Who introduced this plant as a successful plantation crop?

1) What is indigo?

2) Who was Eliza Lucas?


1) Where the Backcountry began

2) What else marked where the Backcountry began in the South?

1) What is fall line?

2) What is where waterfalls prevented large boats from moving farther river?


Name the two cities that prospered the most along the harbors of the Middle Colonies.

What are Philadelphia and New York?


1) Practiced by farmers in New England

2) What did they produce?

1) What is subsistence farming?

2) What is produced enough food for themselves and just a little bit extra to trade in town?


1) What is another term for variety?

2) Name the two largest immigrant groups to the Middle Colonies.

3) The Middle Colonies were home to primarily two groups of European immigrant groups. (True/False)

1) What is diversity?

2) Who were the English and Germans?

3) What is false? A diverse group of European immigrants ultimately settled in the Middle Colonies.


1) Who were hired by planters to supervise and direct the work of slaves on plantations?

2) How much food did a slave receive weekly?

3) What became the foundation for African-American family culture in the Southern colonies?

1) Who were overseers?

2) What was a quarter bushel of corn and a pound of pork?

3) What were African kinship customs?  Kinship networks were a source of strength even when families were separated.


1) Broad plateau beyond the fall line

2) What does the term mean?

3) What mountain range does the plateau lead to?

1) What is piedmont?

2) What is "foot of the mountains"?

3) What is the Appalachian range?


True/False - the Navigation Acts were passed in 1641

What is False - the Navigation Acts were passed in 1651?


1) The name for the four major provisions designed by England to profit off colonial trade

2) Name the four provisions.

1) What are Navigation Acts?

2) What are:

- All shipping had to be done on English ships/ships made in the English colonies

- Products could only be sold to England

- European imports to the colonies had to pass through English ports

- English officials could tax any colonial goods not shipped to England?

1) What millers used to crush grain to produce flour/meal

2) How were most of these powered?

1) What is a gristmill?

2) What is by water?


1) What was the name of the rebellion led by slaves against planters in September 1739?

2) What were two outcomes of the rebellion?

1) What was the Stono Rebellion?

2) What were:

- a white militia surrounded the group of escaping slaves with many dying during the fighting or executed afterwards

- Slave codes became even more stricter


Mountain range in the Backcountry that consists of a region of dense forests and rushing streams.

What are the Appalachian Mountains?


What is the name for the start of the factory system as we know it today?

What are cottage industries? (When business people would hire people to work in their own homes to perform tasks, such as spinning thread or making goods.)


1) Trading route with 3 stops

2) Name the 3 areas commonly involved in this trading route.

3) There were several triangular trade routes. What was the common commodity on almost all of the routes?

1) What is triangular trade?

2) What are New England, West Indies, and Africa?

3) Who were enslaved Africans?


1) What was invented by Germans to carry produce

2) What were 2 key characteristics of this invention?

3) What hints do these characteristics give about the terrains of the Middle Colonies?

1) What were Conestoga wagons?

2) What were wide wheels and curved beds?

3) What were dirt roads and hilly terrain?


1) Author of History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina

2) What does the author celebrate in his writings?

3) Why is he important in the history of the Southern colonies?

1) Who is William Byrd II?

2) What are the land and climate of the South?

3) What is:

- he was descended from one of the best known Southern planter families

- he became a member of the House of Burgesses

- he celebrated aspects of the South but was just as critical of the people.


Name 3 ways the Backcountry settlers learned to depend on themselves to survive.

What are:

- building log cabins and furnishing them with cornhusk mattresses and homemade tables/benches

- feeding families with livestock and crops raised

- daytime patrol of women/children/elderly as human scarecrows

- women worked in the cabin and fields but also learned how to use guns and axes

Fort built by Spaniards in 1718 to guard mission of San Antonio de Valero

What is Fort San Antonio de Bexar/Alamo?
