Reading Skills
Expository Text
The "voice" of a work; the narrator's perspective
What is point of view?
the character or force in conflict with a main character
What is antagonist?
grouped lines in a poem
What is a stanza?
a statement that cannot be proven true or false
What is opinion?

Information in the ECR needs to be relevant... What is the meaning of relevant? 

What is important or connected to the prompt? 

the abbreviation for author's purpose and what each letter stands for
What is PIE, to persuade, inform, or entertain?
the overall, worldly lesson that can be learned from the story; a repeated idea or lesson in a literary text and often deals with abstract questions, beliefs, or truths
What is theme?
What is the rhyme scheme of the following poem? Roses are red Violets are blue I need the answers to the test Can I get it from you?
What is A, B, C, B.
a statement that can be proven true or false when research is done (two words)
What is a factual claim?

ECRs are typically written in which POV? What is the exception? 

What is 3rd person? What is a correspondence? 

the narrator is an observer, but can also zoom in on the thoughts and emotions of any character
What is third person omniscient?
written conversation between two or more characters and identifiable by quotation marks
What is dialogue?
words used in an imaginative way to express ideas that are not literally true
What is figurative language?
a statement that is generally accepted to be true by MOST people (two words)
What is a commonplace assertion?

What goes in the last sentence of your introduction and is restated in your conclusion? 

What is a thesis statement?

how the author creates the passage and puts it together (ex. cause and effect, sequencing, problem-solution, etc.)
What is author's organization?
a summary or short text that describes the original text must include what abbreviated information from the story
What is BME (beginning, middle, and end)?
the feeling or atmosphere created in the reader by a literary work or passage
What is mood?
Name at least two things you need to consider and notice when reading an expository text.
What are graphics/figures, sidebars, subtitles, and bolded/italicized words/phrases?

If you do not understand the prompt you should....

What is break it down or upack the prompt?

a reflection of a writer's or speaker's attitude toward a subject of a poem, story, or other literary work
What is tone?

Draw a plot diagram, label the five sections, and identify the parts of Cinderella on your diagram.

What is exposition (Cinderella is unhappily living with her stepmother and stepsisters and made to do all the work.), rising action (All the girls are invited to a ball by the Prince, and Cinderella is able to attend with the help of her fairy godmother only until midnight.), climax (Cinderella loses one shoe.), falling action (The prince's men try the show on everyone in the kingdom, and it fits Cinderella.), and resolution (Cinderella and the prince live happily ever after.)


What tool is meant to analyze poetry? 

What is TPFASTT? 

What is the difference between an autobiography and a biography?
What is an autobiography is a true story of a person's life written or told by that person and a biography is a true story of a person's life written or told by someone else?

Breakdown the prompt- What is it asking? 

Explain what new research reveals about horses’ ability to communicate. Write a well-organized informational composition that uses specific evidence from the article to support your answer. Remember to —

 • clearly state your thesis • organize your writing • develop your ideas in detail • use evidence from the selection in your response • use correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar 

Manage your time carefully so that you can — 

• review the selection • plan your response • write your response • revise and edit your response Write your response in the box provided

What is informational essay and explain how horse communicate using evidence from the passage?
