Many of the delegates at the Convention had these things in common (name 3)
Wealthy, white, male, educated, Revolutionary War veterans
The Bill of Rights consists of this many amendments
In order to make any changes to the Articles of Confederation, it’d require the consent of this many states
Due to his many significant contributions towards the creation of the U.S. Constitution and authoring the Bill of Rights, this person was given the nickname “Father of the Constitution”
James Madison
A pseudonym is this
A fictitious name
Per Article II of the Constitution, “The executive Power shall be vested in” this person
President of the United States
This individual was unanimously elected as President of the Constitutional Convention
George Washington
This amendment protects our freedom of speech and freedom of religion
First Amendment
Under the Articles of Confederation, the only branch of government that existed was this
The Legislative Branch
It wasn’t until his death in 1804 that it was revealed to the public that he, along with John Jay and James Madison had written the ‘Federalist Papers’
Alexander Hamilton
For government officials, such as law enforcement, to search someone and/or seize their property, they must have this type of cause
Probable Cause
This branch of government has the authority and power to impeach Supreme Court justices and the President of the United States
Legislative Branch
George Washington and James Madison originally attended the Convention as representatives of this state
Which Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
Second Amendment
Per the Articles of Confederation, no matter how many or how few delegates a state had in Congress, every state would receive this many votes when voting for a bill (new law)
The U.S. Supreme Court has nine of these
Justices (judges)
This term is used to describe a “process” which outlines certain steps that must be taken by the government before they can inhibit someone’s rights and freedoms
Due Process
This Article of the Constitution establishes the powers and authorities of the Executive Branch
Article II
One of the issues that the delegates wanted to resolve, was to have all the states adopt just ONE of these, which would make trade and commerce easier
This amendment prohibits the government from taking private property for public use unless the owner of the private property is fairly compensated for it
Fifth Amendment
Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had no authority to levy these, which would've helped raise revenue for the government
Because they were in Europe serving as ambassadors at the time, these two Founding Fathers didn’t attend the Constitutional Convention (name 1)
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
Originally known as the Connecticut Compromise, it proposed there be two houses in the legislative branch
The Great Compromise
Article III of the Constitution states that the United States will only have one of these courts which will head the Judicial Branch
Supreme Court
The primary goal of the Convention was to revise this government document
Articles of Confederation
The Third Amendment prevents soldiers from having the ability to do this
To quarter in any house or business
By 1786, it became clear to many that the Articles of Confederation were weak and needed to be replaced, especially in the aftermath of this famous rebellion
Shays’ Rebellion
This government official has the authority to appoint judges to federal courts, conduct foreign policy, as well as approve or reject treaties
President of the United States
This is the term used to describe the belief that government is created by the people, to serve the people
Popular Sovereignty
This branch of government is responsible for interpreting laws and the Constitution
Judicial Branch