Exploration & Colonization - 1587-1763
Revolution and Constitution - 1763 - 1791
Early Republic -
1789 - 1836
Expansion/ Industrialization - 1780-1850s
Civil War - 1860 - 1865

This was a colony that William Penn establish for Quakers.

What is Pennsylvania?


These two towns were where the first shots of the American Revolution were fired; the shots "heard around the world."

Lexington and Concord, MA


This was a real-estate deal that Thomas Jefferson made with the French for $15 million dollars that doubled the size of the United States.

What was the Louisiana Purchase?


This Eli Whitney invention led to a dramatic increase in slavery.

What was the cotton gin?


This was an event that led to the secession of the South and the formation of the Confederate States of America.

What was the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln?


These two peoples fought against the British in the French and Indian War.

What are the French and the Native Americans?


This was the first written document officially announcing that the colonies were breaking away from Great Britain.

What was the Declaration of Independence?


This president was involved in the Nullification Crisis and the Indian Removal Act.

Who was Andrew Jackson?

This invention allowed factory workers to mass produce goods in the exact same way.

What are interchangeable parts?


This was a document issued by Abraham Lincoln that freed slaves in the rebelling states.

What was the Emancipation Proclamation?


These three Gs motivated European explorers in the 1500s.

What are God, Gold, and Glory?


These prevent any branch of our government from becoming too powerful.

What are checks and balances?


This conflict was caused by British restrictions on U.S. trade and America’s desire to expand its territory. Though America won, it resulted in the British burning the White House.

What was the War of 1812?


This was the solution to whether or not slavery would be allowed in Missouri and other states west of the Mississippi River.

What was the Missouri Compromise?


This is a messaging system that was used in the Civil War and involved holding the arms, poles, or two flags in certain positions according to an alphabetic code.

What is semaphore?


This group established a colony in New England for religious freedom and created the first written plan of government in the colonies.

What are the Pilgrims?


These laws were passed to punish the people of Boston after the Boston Tea Party. They included closing down Boston Harbor, banning town meetings, and stationing more soldiers in Boston.

What are the Intolerable Acts?


This was a political party found in 1828 by Andrew Jackson. Jackson's opponents called him a jackass, so rather than rejecting the label, he included a donkey in his campaign posters. The donkey eventually became this party's political symbol.

What is the Democratic Party?


This conflict led to the U.S. gaining southwestern territories, including modern-day California and New Mexico.

What was the Mexican-American War?


This battle was the deadliest one-day battle in American military history. It also gave President Lincoln the win needed to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation at a moment of strength rather than desperation. 

What was the Battle of Antietam?


This was the first written plan of government created in the colonies.

What was the Mayflower Compact?


This was actually our second form of government, and it revised the Articles of Confederation and created a stronger national government.

What is the The U.S. Constitution?


These were the first two American political parties.

What were the Federalists and the Antifederalists?


This 1857 Supreme Court case made slavery legal in all U.S. states and territories and declared that slaves had no rights, because they were property.

What was the Dred Scott Case (Dred Scott vs. Sanford)?


This was the battle historians consider to be the one that ended the Civil War, because it is also the name of the town where Lee surrendered his army to Grant.

What is Appomattox Courthouse?
