Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice #2
American Soldiers after World War One
Treaty of Versailles
Short Answers
What is a nation's desire to keep to themselves and cut themselves off from the rest of the world?



What was the alliance in World War One was led by Britain, France, and Russia?

The Entente Powers


Why might some soldiers have not wanted World War One to end?

They would be losing a well paying job and be returning to a vastly changed country.


What was the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles was the peace deal between the Entente and Germany.


What was the cause and effect of Commodore Perry's arrival in Japan?

Commodore Perry's arrival in Japan led Japan to realize it needed to modernize and it eventually became a world power in its own right!


What is a form of writing that is meant to stir emotions of its readers?

Yellow Journalism


What is an intense pride and loyalty in one's country?



Many soldiers were held in internment camps before returning to the United States. Why might this have been the case?

Many soldiers may have brought back diseases that they first had to be vetted for, and they may also need to be reintegrated into society before entering.


Was the Treaty of Versailles fair or unfair to Germany?

Historians will debate this. Some say it was unfair because it separated German speaking territory from Germany, heavily limited its ability to have an armed forces, and blamed the entire war on it. Some say this was fair punishment due to Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare, and invasion of neutral Belgium.


Why was the Panama Canal built and what benefit did it provide to the World Economy?

The Panama Canal was built to allow quicker travel time between both coasts of the United States and the rest of the world. It succeeded in doing this, cut travel time in half and provided a vital trading route for the world to use.


What is the goal to seize territories abroad and establish bases for resources or influence?



What is the World War One Alliance that was led by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (later defected)?

Central Powers


Some soldiers felt they had fought for nothing during World War One. Why might this have been the case.

Many soldiers came home to an America which suffered a short term crash in its economy, leading to some suffering. Also many had felt they had fought just to preserve British and French Empires.


How did Unrestricted Submarine Warfare draw the United States into World War I on the Entente side?

Unrestricted submarine warfare sunk ocean liners and led to the deaths of innocent Americans.


What is the war that led to the conquest of Puerto Rico and Cuba by the United States and the purchasing of the Philippines?

Spanish-American War


Why might some soldiers have "eaten themselves sick" upon arriving back in the United States?

Several soldiers had eaten horribly or not as much, so when offered fresh food, they desperately ate as much as possible.


How were Europeans able to expand so rapidly across Africa?

Europeans had access to modern medicine which limited the spread of disease, steam ships, which allowed for quicker travel, and modern weapons like the Maxim machine gun which led to easy victories in battles against larger armies.


What is a nation that is put under the influence and control of another?



Why might the American economy have temporarily crashed after World War One?

The American Economy grew rapidly by taking in British and French loans and money so they could keep the war going, when they couldn't pay it back a crash occurred.
