Setting and Mood
Stages of Plot
A struggle that takes place within a character’s own mind, as he or she wrestles with difficult thoughts, feelings, or choices.
What is an internal conflict
The feeling or atmosphere that a writer creates for readers
What is mood
In non-fiction, THIS is the most important idea that a writer wants to share about a topic.
What is the main idea
It is the turning point in the story and the moment of greatest suspense. It presents the conflict at its most intense and dramatic.
What is the climax
It is the vantage point from which a story is told. It can affect your understanding of characters and events.
What is the point of view
A struggle between a character and an outside force, such as another character, a force of nature, or society.
What is an external conflict
descriptions of settings, imagery, description of character's speech and feelings
What is..... How the author creates mood
A message about life or human nature that a writer wants you to understand.
What is the theme
This stage reveals the story’s final outcome. It ties up any loose ends.
What is the resolution
First person, third person limited, third person omniscient
What are the 3 types of point of views we studied
A blinding snowstorm hits while Yoni is hiking in unfamiliar territory. Suddenly, he loses his bearings and has no idea how to find his way home.
What is character vs. nature
He walked hesitantly, leaves crunching under his feet. Bare trees hovered over him, casting arm-like shadows across his path. His heart hammered in his chest as he inched forward.
What is imagery
An object, activity, place, or person that stands for something beyond itself. The author may use one to hint at a theme.
What is a symbol
This stage introduces the setting and the characters. It reveals the conflict or sets the stage for it.
What is the exposition
Devin had trouble wiping the smile off his face as he listened to Gwen fumble through her speech. For a brief moment, he felt a wave of sympathy for Gwen. Then Devin forgot about his opponent and started planning his acceptance speech in his head.
What is third person limited
The year is 1961. Sarah works in a factory at a time when workers must put in long hours and deal with dismal, even dangerous, conditions on the job.
What is character vs. society
The forest at the edge of town was even more ominous at night. There wasn’t a house or store within two miles. So far, no one in Jake’s class had been brave enough to explore it.
What is descriptions of setting
titles, subheadings, captions, sidebars, boldfaced words, bulleted lists, links, italicized words, footnotes, graphic aids, icons, and numbered lists
What are text features
This stage reveals the outcome of the story’s climax. It eases the tension and shows how the main character resolves the conflict.
What is the falling action
Nervously, I eyed Gwen, my competition in the election, and flashed her a gracious smile. Believe me—I wasn’t feeling very gracious. After Gwen began her speech, I relaxed. What kind of campaign speech is that? I thought. There’s no way I’ll lose now!
What is first person
Ling overhears Julian bragging about his malicious plan to ridicule her best friend. Angered, Ling confronts Julian and becomes even more incensed when he denies every word.
What is character vs. character
The time and place
What is the setting
In non-fiction, the author uses THESE to elaborate on or reinforce the main idea
What are supporting details
This stage introduces obstacles that make the conflict more complicated. It also includes incidents and dialogue that propel the action.
What is rising action
Feeling confident and superior, Devin gave his opponent, Gwen, a genuine smile as she walked past him. Though Gwen returned Devin’s smile, she was suspicious of his kindness. He’s probably gloating over my mistakes, Gwen thought angrily.
What is third person omniscient