How many amendments are in the bill of rights?
Rwanda is a country in...
The Holocaust was a genocide of...
Jewish people
Who took over Germany after WW1
How many amendments are in the constitution?
Something you desire but don't require to live
What were the two cultural groups in Rwanda called
Hutus and Tutsis
What were Jewish people forced to wear on their clothing?
Star of David
What is the 4th Amendment?
no unreasonable searches and seizures
When you cannot go to trial for the same crime twice.
Double Jeopardy
Command economy
What country owned Rwanda before WW1 and who owned Rwanda after WW1
Germany 1st and Belgium 2nd
Name one of the concentration camps
Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Auschwitz, etc.
The economic system on the US.
Mixed Economy
What is the 3rd Amendment?
You can refuse to quarter soldiers in your home.
When the demand is higher than the supply
What was the difference between the Hutus and Tutsis?
Only financial
How many people were killed in the Holocaust?
Around 6 million people
Name one of the neighboring countries where the Tutsis went to
Burundi, Tanzania, Congo, and Uganda.
Any power not given to the government is given...
To the state or people
What are the four factors of productions.
land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship
Who was killed that cause the Rwanda genocide?
(100 extra points if you say the name correctly)
President Habyarimana
What was the name of the "Angel of Death"
Dr. Joseph Mengele
What was the name of the student-lead resistance group of German college students?
“White Rose”