If you are disrespectful towards anyone in the school, the consequence will result in an__________.
Office Referral
Part 1: When given instructions, it is who's responsibility to follow the instructions and directions?
Part 2: If I do not pay attention and fail to follow instructions, my grade will be a ____.
Part 1: My responsibility
Part 2: A ZERO
TRUE or FALSE: Before ROAR on the way to the cafeteria, it is my responsibility to get my things before I walk through the glass doors at the end of the hallway.
Failure to do so will result in lunch detention!
True or false: I can move seats anytime I want while in the lunchroom?
FALSE! Take your food to your spot and stay there!
The bathrooms are not a social meet-up spot! You should go in, take care of business, and wash your hands. If I fail to use the bathroom appropriately, I will lose my _____________?
Privilege and get lunch D or an Office Referral
If I have something I want to say, all I need to do is __________.
Raise my hand.
True or false: I understand that Mrs. Grissom has high expectations for my quality of work and I will do my best to reach my fullest potential.
True or false: During ROAR it's okay to sit wherever I want and move spots whenever I please?
False. I will sit in my spot and stay there until the bell rings!!
Throwing food or leaving my area messy is not acceptable and will result in ____________.
Lunch detention or office referral
True or False: The bathroom is a perfect place for me to watch videos and text my family/friends?
FALSE! All phones should be in lockers or they will be taken away.
1 unexcused tardy = Verbal Warning
2 unexcused tardies = Lunch Detention
3 unexcused tardies = ____________?
Independent work and tests will be completed silently. If I fail to meet that expectation my work will be collected I will get a ____.
True of False: Any PDA will not be accepted at all for ANYONE!
This includes: Handholding, cuddling, 2 handed hugs, inappropriate touching, coordinating meet-up sessions.
1st offense is Lunch D
2nd offense is office referral
I should get out of my seat 1,000 times to throw away each individual piece of trash or I should collect all of my trash and throw it away all at one time?
Throw it away at one time!!
Paper towels should be wet down and thrown on the walls of the bathroom?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! If you're caught doing that, you will get ISS.
If I disrespect Mrs. Grissom's supplies or if my class leaves her room in a mess, the entire class will get _________________?
Lunch Detention
Where do graded papers get turned in and what should be written at the TOP!!
My PERIODS turn in tray and MY NAME
What is one thing you can do if you are being bullied or if you see someone being bullied? (online or in person)
Stand up to the bully, tell an adult that you trust to handle the problem quickly!
If I am absent or have not completed an assignment. Who's responsibility is it to get make-up work to complete and where can I locate my work most of the time?
My responsibility, NOT Mrs. Grissoms and Google Classroom
TRUE OR FALSE: If an assignment is hard for me and I don't understand the expectations, I am allowed to ask logical and content based questions?
True of False: I can ask to move my seat if it benefits my education and ability to complete work!
True: This decision is completely up to Mr. Stone and Mrs. Grissom and is not debatable!
True or False: Screaming in the cafeteria is not only acceptable, it's encouraged?
FALSE! Just talk like normal people!
If the line is backed up and you have to go to the bathroom you should...
A. check in with your teacher first to let them know the line is long.
B. go anyway without permission, the teacher won't care!
A) We know that there is just one bathroom and that the line gets to be long at times! We are willing to work with you as long as you are acting appropriately and not being disruptive.