Negatively charged particles in an atom
What are electrons?
Genetic material with instructions to make you
The oldest rock layer in an undisturbed sequence occurs ____
What is at the bottom of the sequence?
An object becomes positively charged by ____
What is losing electrons?
A segment of DNA on a chromosome
What are Genes?
A geologic feature cuts across another feature, the feature it cut across becomes older
What are cross-cutting relationships?
Energy that is stored
What is potential energy?
The process of making proteins from RNA
The age of a rock compared with the ages of other rocks
What is relative age?
Energy all objects in motion have
What is kinetic energy?
A permanent change in DNA
What are mutations?
What is Cenozoic?
The factors that affect the amount of potential energy an object has
What is height and mass?
The building blocks of protein
What are amino acids?
The estimagted age of a human bone
What is 4.5 millions of years ago?