What does ANI stand for?
Affirmative, Negative, and Interesting
What is the exposition?
The exposition exposes what the proofs are in the introduction.
What is a dependent clause?
A clause with a noun and a verb that cannot stand alone as a sentence. It is dependent upon being attached to an independent clause.
What are the three main segments of the outline template?
Introduction, Proofs, and Conclusion
What formatting style have we used this year?
MLA format
What is the next step after you create a characters and actions list?
You ask "should" questions.
What is the key purpose of the exordium?
The exordium makes the audience receptive to the essay so they will keep reading.
What is parallelism?
A similarity of structure in a series of words, phrases, or clauses
Where do you place the amplification?
At the very end of the conclusion
What margin size does MLA call for?
1 inch margins
What is the purpose of an ANI chart?
An ANI chart allows you to brainstorm ideas for both sides of an issue.
What are the three options for an exordium?
Ask a question, challenge your reader, or provide a relevant quote.
What does www.asia.b stand for?
when, while, where, as, since, if, although, because
Where do you place the exordium?
At the very beginning of your introduction
What font and text size does MLA call for?
Times New Roman 12 pt.
If I write an essay on why everyone should own a pothos plant, and I explain how a pothos is easier to maintain than a prayer plant, what "common topic" am I utilizing?
What is the purpose of the amplification?
The amplification states to whom your issue matters and why.
What defines an active verb?
The subject performs the action of the verb.
What fits into the division?
One point of agreement and the disagreement, which is the thesis and the counter-thesis, constitute the division.
Where does one place their name and teacher's name on an MLA document?
Upper left corner of the first page
If I write an essay arguing for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and I mention what certain politicians have to say on the matter, what "common topic" am I utilizing?
What is the purpose of the division?
Division clarifies the agreement and disagreement in an argument.
What are the eight "be" verbs?
am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been
What fits into the distribution?
The thesis, enumeration, and exposition
How do you format the title of an MLA document?
You center the title on your first page. The title should also be in Times New Roman, 12 pt. You do not underline or bold it.