5 Letter Words
Pride of Place
Humanity's Horrors
Stupid Answers

Spongebob gleefully works at this establishment.

What is the Krusty Krab?


A type of word that describes verbs; use these sparingly in your writing.

What is an adverb?


Often known as the "morning star" and the "evening star" - it is not a star.

What is Venus?

A common name for the North American continent used by many First Peoples comes from its resemblance to these creatures.

What are turtles?


This was the first drink in space.

What is Coca Cola?


A hip hop mogul who "can't stop, won't stop" appearing in the headlines for his malfeasances.

Who is Sean Combs/Puff Daddy/P. Diddy/Diddy?


Completes the title of a guide Heidi Murkoff co-wrote for expectant mothers What To Expect When You're...

What is Expecting?


This English language learning nursery rhyme shares its melody with "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star."

What is the "ABC/Alphabet song"?

The alter-ego of the primary protagonist in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

Who is Miles Morales?


"Step on no pets" sounds the same when read forwards or backwards. It is an example of this language feature.

What is a palindrome?


An edible substance that does not spoil on its own.

What is honey?


Colonel Richard Clement ______ was a Royal Engineer and namesake of a municipality that is known for the arts.

Who is Moody?


A lion cub's journey to becoming a hero involves learning about living life with "no worries" from a singing warthog and a meerkat. The title of their song comes from this language.

What is Swahili?


This wily canine is ACME's number one customer, despite repeatedly failing to capture his speedy nemesis with their products.

Who is Wile E. Coyote?


There are a number of Chanel fragrances including this one that immortalizes her birthday August 19

What is Chanel No. 19?


A Prince of Pop who started his music career with his 4 older brothers. Then he decided to go solo and became an international superstar; he is known for this signature dance.

What is the moonwalk?


In the climactic scene of The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader makes a startling revelation to Luke Skywalker. The famous quote often erroneously includes this word.

What is Luke?


"Unkindness" is the collective noun form for this creature, commonly seen as a trickster figure in traditional stories from the coast of British Columbia.

What is a raven?


A circular piece of furniture used as a famed gathering place for Arthur and his knights.

What is a table?


The Tri-Cities is comprised of this number of municipalities.

What is 5?


This quiz show is very popular for asking random trivial questions. It's split into multiple categories and players can choose from a variety of points.

What is Jeopardy?


The first Biblical murder. He was jealous of his brother.

Who is Cain?


Singer P!nk is a cover girl for this brand of makeup.

What is CoverGirl?


Although they are made of brass, saxophones are classified as this type of instrument.

What is woodwind?


This great charter, which was signed by a king and his barons in 1215, paved the way for modern human rights charters, although it quickly was ignored by those who signed it.

What is the Magna Carta?


Homer Simpson asked Bart & Lisa if they wanted to go to Blockoland; their response was this 3-letter word of indifference.

What is "meh"?


Cinderella's godmother was of this race of creatures.

What is fairy?


Their name means "red fish up the river".

Who are the Kwikwetlem?


The Amazon river empties into this ocean.

What is the Atlantic?


A chemistry teacher develops an illness and breaks into the criminal world with a former student who has a bad attitude. He shares the same initials as this American poet, featured prominently in the show.

Who is Walt Whitman?


J.R.R. Tolkien's 1937 novel The Hobbit introduced this fictional species of creature to fantasy readers.

What is a hobbit?


This "Chairman of the Board" was investigated by the FBI for alleged ties to the Mafia.

Who is Frank Sinatra?


Discrimination and prejudice is a prominent theme of a comic book franchise that features this team of genetic deviants who wear colourful spandex.

Who are the X-Men?


Sounds gruesome, but it's actually a person who recruits candidates for top-level jobs.

What is a headhunter?


A type of children's story that teaches a lesson, often featuring animals.

What is a fable?


Eagle Mountain Middle School is located in this municipality.

What is Anmore?


The birthname of a socially conscious heavyweight boxer, which he denounced as being symbolic of his country's oppressive history.

What is Cassius Clay?


This Disney movie presents a fictional account one of the youngest members of the Romanov family, a Russian dynasty that came to a violent end in a worker's revolution in 1918.

What is Anastasia?


The Statue of Liberty towers 305 feet from foundation to torch above this island.

What is Liberty Island?


Words have been switched with synonyms. The original song and author are:

The Only Thing That I Wish To Require During the Most Festive Day of December is Your Presence.

What is "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey?


Many of the scenes in William Shakespeare's plays end in this two-lined, end-rhymed grouping.

What is a couplet?


Popular name of various acalephs, medusas, or sea-nettles, from their gelatinous structure.

What is jellyfish?


Roman poet who composed stories that featured transformations.

Who is Ovid?


The Merc with a Mouth, famous for this fourth-wall-breaking, R-rated films, is portrayed by this Vancouver-based actor.

Who is Ryan Reynolds?


The co-founder of Studio Ghibli and animator of many of its notable films.

Who is Hayao Miyazaki?


An orphan known for playing the "blond bombshell" archetype in Hollywood and for singing a scintillating birthday song to the president, she overdosed at the age of 36.

Who is Marilyn Monroe?


Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 near this tiny town in Toscana.

What is Vinci?


A Phrygian king with a golden touch once judged a music contest between the gods Apollo and Pan. He was given this as a reward.

What are the ears of a donkey?


A professor gives a 10 year-old a slave animal for legalized government supported animal fighting and advises this 10 year-old to travel the world unsupervised to enslave more animals.

What is Pokemon?


A name that is derived from a male ancestor (e.g. O'Connor, Gunnarsdottir, Johnson, Ivanovich).

What is a patronymic?


A format of writing that follows standard rules for grammar and syntax. It is often contrasted with poetry, which is a format of writing that does not typically follow standard rules for grammar and syntax.

What is prose?


These municipalities comprise the Tri-Cities

What are Anmore, Belcarra, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody?


This Olympic sport involves swords?! Oh, they have soft points at the end, nevermind.

What is fencing?


Second wife to a king who established a new national church so he could divorce his first wife, and mother to a queen after whom an entire historical and literary period is named. She was beheaded on false charges, but really because she did not give birth to a son.

Who is Anne Boleyn?


The Rhine River flows north from Switzerland into Germany & through the Netherlands before emptying into this sea.

What is the North Sea? 


An exclusive group that features musicians, such as Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix, who have died early and under conspicuous circumstances.

What is the 27 Club?


The only rule in the game of Calvinball seen in a comic strip by him is that it can't be played the same way twice.

Who is Bill Watterson?


A number of ancient cultures share a common story in which one or a small number of humans are survivors of a divinely-sent deluge. The story of Noah's ark is the most popular example of the diluvial narrative in the English-speaking world. The word "diluvial" relates to something that is caused by this noun.

What is flood?


Knights did this when they didn't want other knights to kill them in battle. Drivers do this when they don't want other drivers to kill them on the road.

What is yield?

The Port Moody Art Centre's website (include the domain and path).

What is


If you know the correct procedure, you “know” this, also a tool.

What is the drill?


An Argentine Marxist who helped lead the Cuban revolution. Although he was later executed for attempting another revolution in Bolivia, his visage continues to be a symbol of counterculture and rebellion across the globe.

Who is Che Guevara?


This unit of measure is the distance a burst of light travels in one year about 5.8 trillion miles

What is a light-year?


This musical megastar of the 90s had hits such as "Como la Flor", "Bidi Bidi Bom Bom", and "Dreaming of You". She was tragically murdered by the president of her fan club.

Who is Selena?
Dr. Faustus is the namesake for this type of deal, wherein a character trades their morals or soul for material benefit.

What is a Faustian bargain/deal/pact?


Its Greek etymology transliterates to "love of learning" - this is the "study of language, especially its history and development" (Cambridge dictionary.

What is philology?


An adjective that describes something that has a "sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor" (Merriam Webster).

What is acrid?


Basketball is famously known for being invented by a Canadian professor. He was working in this city when he developed the game.

What is Springfield, Massachussets?


A team adolescent, anthropomorphic, martial-arts practicing reptiles is named after these four Renaissance artists.

Who are Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo?


Latin-speaking dictator who came, saw, and committed genocide against entire peoples across western Europe; invaded his own country; and wrote books celebrating both events. A calendar is named after him, but NOT the salad.

Who is Julius Caesar?


Carvings of a horse star & bell appear on the headstone of this Wild West Bandit Queen.

Who is Belle Starr?


The film Amadeus depicts a fictionalized contentious relationship between Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri. It was published in this year, the same as the title of a famous dystopian novel.

When is 1984?
