Collective nouns

Guess the vocabulary from its definition.

a person who is the same age or has the same social position or the same abilities as other people in a group



Choose the correct option.

My brother’s football team (hope / hopes) to win in semi-finals.

My brother’s football team hopes to win in semi-finals.


Put the verb in the correct form.

By the time we (get) … to the theatre, the play (already start) ….

By the time we got … to the theatre, the play had already played.


Translate into English.

Всю свою жизнь я была похожа на свою маму. Мы обе имеем длинные прямые светлые волосы и темно зеленые глаза.

All my life I have taken after my mom. Both of us have long straight hair and dark-green eyes.


Guess the vocabulary from the meaning.

the last, but not the least, I learnt to ... by always trying to do the opposite from what my family did.

think outside the box


Choose the correct option.

The police (are / is) investigating the disappearance of the baby.

The police are investigating the disappearance of the baby.


Put the verb in the correct form.

We (not see) … eye to eye on the arrangements because mum (want) … to have a huge party and invite everyone I know.

We don't see  eye to eye on the arrangements because mum wants to have a huge party and invite everyone I know.


Translate into English

Моя жена на данный момент не работает, но она всегда может на меня положиться, так как я глава семьи.

My wife isn't working now, but she can always count on me, because I'm the head of the family.


Guess the vocabulary from the rebus.



Choose the correct verb TO BE.

A troop of monkeys__________ giving Kenyan villagers sleepless nights destroying crops.

A troop of monkeys is giving Kenyan villagers sleepless nights destroying crops.


Complete the verb with the correct form.

She always (bite) her nails! 

She is always biting her nails!


Translate into english.

Я первый ребенок в семье. Я очень заботливый и послушный. Я всегда следую правилам и никогда не ссорюсь с родителями

I'm a firstborn. I'm really nurturing and obedient. I always play by the rules and never fall out with my parents.


I hate people who have no place in their society or in a particular group, because the society or group refuses to accept them.



Choose the right word.

a .... of cows, goats, deer 

a. herd  b.flock     c. swarm

a. herd


Rewrite correctly the sentence.

She already books a table for tonight.

She has already booked a table for tonight.


Translate into English.

Моя двоюродная сестра родилась в большой сплоченной семье. Ее семья всегда ее поддерживает, поэтому она никогда не чувствует себя одинокой. Я их очень уважаю и стараюсь брать с них пример.

My cousin was born in an extended and close-knit family. Her family always supports her, so she never feels neglected. I look up to her family.


Fortunately, I am not the only child and my brother has been the one I could ( …). I ( …) what he has done for me because it is he who taught me to ( …) for myself.

Fortunately, I am not the only child and my brother has been the one I could count on. I appreciate what he has done for me because it is he who taught me to stand up for myself.


Complete the sentence with the right form and word.

A ... of chocolate  ... (to be) the best thing in my life.

a. a bar, is    b. a clup, are   c. a flash, are

a. a bar, is


Put the verb in the correct form.

When we ...(to be) on holiday last Sunday, we ...(go) to the cafe almost the whole day.

When we were on holiday last Sunday, we were going to the cafe almost the whole day.


Translate into English.

У меня было сложное воспитание. Со своей семьей я  никогда не сходилась во мнении, мы постоянно перегибали палку, обвиняли друг друга во всем. Поэтому я боюсь ссориться, так как ссоры  вызывают отрицательные эмоции у меня, которые я хочу подавить и остаться наедине с собой. 

I had unhealthy upbringing. I never saw eye to eye on many things with my family, we always went over the top. So, now I'm afraid of falling out because it triggers me that i want to suppress these emotions and  keep to myself.
