"The Project"
"Ramona Quimby Age 8"
"Sled Dogs"
“From Curbside to Store Shelf”

What can the reader infer about Ms. Artiga based on paragraphs 1-2?

A She cares about her students.

B She enjoys when students give her gifts.

C She likes to laugh and joke around with her students.

D She wants to tell her students about her own holiday break

What is A: 

She cares about her students.


How would the passage be different if it were written as a play?

A It would have stanzas and lines.

B It would have a rhythm and rhyme scheme.

C It would have sentences and paragraphs.

D It would have a cast list and stage directions.

What is D:

It would have a cast list and stage directions.


How did dog sleds become more popular in Alaska and Canada?

A People had large dogs that they wanted to exercise regularly.

B People hoped that dogs would help them find gold quickly during the gold rush.

C People wanted to explore new places that others had never been.

D People were looking for ways to carry supplies more easily during the gold rush

What is D:

People were looking for ways to carry supplies more easily during the gold rush


Why is paper pulp spun in special machines?

A to dry it out quickly

B to cut it into smaller pieces

C to remove all the dye

D to get rid of small metal pieces

What is D:

to get rid of small metal pieces


What does the author mean by the phrase “buckle down” in paragraph 2 of "The Project?

A The students need to turn in their work.

B The students need to begin working.

C The students need to grab their books.

D The students need to answer questions.

What is B.

The students need to begin working.


After students choose a hero, what is the first step in Ms. Artiga’s research project?

A interview a person

B make a speech

C read a book

D write a report

What is C: 

read a book


Based on the passage, which choice describes Sara and Janey?

A They believed that Ramona’s book report was the most creative in the class.

B They were proud of Ramona’s hard work on her book report.

C They wanted Ramona’s book report to include cat masks for the whole class.

D They were amused by Ramona’s ideas for her book report.

What is D:

They were amused by Ramona’s ideas for her book report.


Which quotation supports the authors’ point that sled dogs are made to live in the climate of the Arctic?

A “The native people counted on dogs and sleds to move themselves and their belongings around.” (paragraph 2)

B “In the 1700s and 1800s, fur trappers and traders used sled dogs to carry furs and supplies.” (paragraph 4)

C “Sled dogs need a lot of exercise. Because they’re happiest running several hours a day, they’re not good city dogs.” (paragraph 12)

D “They feel best in cold weather. Their bodies have special ways of surviving in the freezing temperatures.” (paragraph 13)

What is D:

“They feel best in cold weather. Their bodies have special ways of surviving in the freezing temperatures.” (paragraph 13)


What is the quickest material to recycle?

A aluminum

B glass

C paper

D plastic

What is A:



What does the word filed mean as it is used in paragraph 19 of "The Project?" 

A selected

B presented

C moved

D ended

What is C:



How does Ms. Artiga respond to her students’ questions about the project?

A She rewards the students for asking such important questions.

B She claps loudly to get the students to listen to her answers to their questions.

C She writes the questions down and shows examples of past projects.

D She listens to the questions and provides more information about the project.

What is D:

She listens to the questions and provides more information about the project.


How are Alvin in “The Project” and Ramona in Ramona Quimby Age 8 similar?

A Both characters have some uncertainty at first about their school assignments.

B Both characters dislike the books they have to read for their school assignments.

C Both characters ask their friends to help them present their school assignments.

D Both characters are required to research topics for their school assignments.

What is A:

Both characters have some uncertainty at first about their school assignments.


What text structure do the authors use in paragraphs 1-5?

A The authors use cause and effect to explain why larger and stronger breeds of dogs were chosen to pull sleds.

B The authors use chronological order to explain that sled dogs were used by people in Canada and Alaska over a long period of time.

C The authors use compare and contrast to explain that sled dogs used in Canada were different from ones used in Alaska.

D The authors use problem and solution to explain why explorers used dogs to pull sleds while they searched new areas of the world.

What is B:

The authors use chronological order to explain that sled dogs were used by people in Canada and Alaska over a long period of time.


What text structure is used in paragraph 1?

A The author uses cause and effect to show how jammed machines are cleared quickly at a Materials Recovery Facility.

B The author uses chronological order to show how recyclables are sorted at a Materials Recovery Facility.

C The author uses compare and contrast to show how paper and glass are recycled differently at a Materials Recovery Facility.

D The author uses problem and solution to show how magnets are used to separate metal objects from other recyclables at a Materials Recovery Facility.

What is B:

The author uses chronological order to show how recyclables are sorted at a Materials Recovery Facility.


What does the word urgent mean as it is used in paragraph 1 of "Ramona Quimbly Age 8?

A difficult; hard

B important; serious

C risky; dangerous

D wasteful; useless

What is B:

important; serious 


Why does Alvin want to research Matthew Henson?

A Alvin likes the cover of the book about Matthew Henson and looks forward to reading it.

B Alvin enjoys studying explorers and has never heard of Matthew Henson.

C Alvin has talked to his friend Chuck at school and knows Matthew Henson was important.

D Alvin knows about Matthew Henson already and calls him one of his heroes.

What is D:

Alvin knows about Matthew Henson already and calls him one of his heroes.


How are the passages different in their approaches to the idea of book reports?

A In “The Project,” students are assigned the books they must read for their reports, but in Ramona Quimby Age 8, students are allowed to read books of their choice.

B In “The Project,” students must all read different books for their reports, but in Ramona Quimby Age 8, students must read the same book.

C In “The Project,” students must turn in written book reports, but in Ramona Quimby Age 8, students are expected to create videos for their book reports.

D In “The Project,” students are just receiving instructions for their book reports, but in Ramona Quimby Age 8, students are presenting their book reports.

What is D: 

In “The Project,” students are just receiving instructions for their book reports, but in Ramona Quimby Age 8, students are presenting their book reports.


Based on the passage, what is the Iditarod?

A a sled dog race

B a kind of sled

C a breed of dog

D a heavy snowstorm

What is A:

a sled dog race 


What is the main idea of the passage?

A Recyclable materials are first sorted into groups, and then the materials are sent off to other companies that break down the materials and turn them into new items.

B When materials are recycled, they are turned into new items that are marked with special codes so that people know they are recycled.

C Recycling is an important practice in which all people should participate, and people should continue to encourage companies to use recycled materials in their products.

D When recyclable items are sent to recycling centers, there are machines that help sort the materials and break them down into smaller pieces.

What is A:

Recyclable materials are first sorted into groups, and then the materials are sent off to other companies that break down the materials and turn them into new items.


What do the authors mean by the phrase “Malamutes can handle the heaviest loads” in paragraph 10 of "Sled Dogs?"

A Malamutes are eager.

B Malamutes are gentle.

C Malamutes are smart.

D Malamutes are strong.

What is D:

Malamutes are strong.


Which choice provides a summary of the passage?

A. Ms. Artiga told her students that they would do research on famous African Americans. Alvin wanted to do his project on the explorer Matthew Henson. The students got to choose their topics, but there was a chance that Alvin would not get his choice.

B Ms. Artiga taught her students how to do both primary and secondary research. Alvin learned that reading a book about a person is secondary research. Once students completed their secondary research, they would learn how to do primary research.

C Ms. Artiga explained to her students how to do primary research for a project. Alvin decided to read a book about the explorer Matthew Henson first. Alvin had read about Matthew Henson before, but he chose to read a new book for his research.

D Ms. Artiga chose books for her students to read about famous African Americans for a project. Alvin and his classmates read the books over the next week. Once students finished reading their books, they would write a research report on their person.

What is A: 

Ms. Artiga told her students that they would do research on famous African Americans. Alvin wanted to do his project on the explorer Matthew Henson. The students got to choose their topics, but there was a chance that Alvin would not get his choice.


Which statement correctly compares the points of view from which the passages are told?

A “The Project” is told by a first-person narrator who describes his inner feelings about a situation, while Ramona Quimby Age 8 is told by a third-person narrator who describes the characters’ actions.

B “The Project” is told by a third-person narrator who describes the interactions of the characters, while Ramona Quimby Age 8 is told by a first-person narrator who describes her own actions.

C Both “The Project” and Ramona Quimby Age 8 are told by third-person narrators who describe the characters’ actions and feelings about their experiences.

D Both “The Project” and Ramona Quimby Age 8 are told by first-person narrators who share their inner feelings about their own personal experiences.

What is C:

Both “The Project” and Ramona Quimby Age 8 are told by third-person narrators who describe the characters’ actions and feelings about their experiences.


How does the information in the passage from “Sled Dogs” compare to the information in the passage from Iditarod Alaska ?

A The passage from “Sled Dogs” includes a firsthand account that is a diary entry from a winner of the Iditarod sled dog race. The passage from Iditarod Alaska is a secondhand account because it provides information from someone who researched how to race sled dogs.

B The passage from “Sled Dogs” includes a firsthand account that offers a researcher’s own words about how dog sleds have changed. The passage from Iditarod Alaska is a secondhand account because it provides information about the history of sled dog racing.

C The passage from “Sled Dogs” is a secondhand account because it provides information gathered by someone who researched the history of sled dogs. The passage from Iditarod Alaska is a firsthand account because it is someone’s own words about racing sled dogs.

D The passage from “Sled Dogs” is a secondhand account because it provides information about the challenges sled dog racers experience. The passage from Iditarod Alaska is a firsthand account because it is a diary entry about winning the Iditarod sled dog race.

What is C:

The passage from “Sled Dogs” is a secondhand account because it provides information gathered by someone who researched the history of sled dogs. The passage from Iditarod Alaska is a firsthand account because it is someone’s own words about racing sled dogs.


What point does the author make about recycling glass?

A Glass is easier to recycle than other materials.

B Glass can be recycled over and over again.

C Glass takes longer to recycle than other materials.

D Glass is recycled into jars and bottles only.

What is B:

Glass can be recycled over and over again.


What does the author mean by the phrase “paper stream” in paragraph 1 of "from Curbside to Store Shelf?" 

A The paper is dropped from above into large buckets on the floor.

B The paper is shipped in boats to be made into new products.

C The paper moves down the conveyor belt in a long line.

D The paper becomes wet when water is added to it.

What is C:

The paper moves down the conveyor belt in a long line.
