This is the strongest muscle in the body proportionate to its size & weight.
What is the tounge?
This is the recommended amount of minimum daily exercise time.
What is 30 minutes?
This is quality of your life in physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual fitness.
What is wellness?
This method of measuring the weather is helpful for determining what cold-related safety measures you must take for exercise.
What is Wind Chill?
Air Temperature + Wind
These are the dress code requirements for the Personal Fitness class at Oviedo.
What is a white/grey shirt, black/blue shorts, & closed-toe shoes?
This is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being that enables you to function at optimal levels daily.
What is health?
A state of well-being that allows you to reduce your risk of health problems, by performing daily activities with intensity.
What is physical fitness?
This method of measuring the weather is helpful for determining what heat-related safety measures you must take for exercise.
What is Heat Index?
Air Temperature + Humidity
When exercising in the nautilus room, this is how many sets and reps that must be completed for each muscle group, and within this much time.
What is 1 set, 15-20 reps for upper body, 25-30 reps for lower body, in 2:30?
This acronym stands for the four key components of an effective workout.
What is the FITT Principle?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type Of Activity
This rule indicates that it takes this much time of deliberate practice to achieve mastery or world-class expertise in any field.
What is the rule of 10,000?
These individuals are at the greatest risk for developing skin cancer.
Who are individuals with lighter hair, lighter eye color, & lighter skin color?
The term that describes sedentary or not being active behavior.
What is hypokinetic?
This is the best time of day to go shoe shopping & the reason why.
What is the evening?
Over the course of the day, your foot will naturally swell, giving you a more accurate fit than if it was first thing in the morning.
This male and this female hold the world record times for the 100 meter run.
How fast?
Who is Usain Bolt & Florence Griffith-Joyner?
9.58s, 10.49 seconds.
These are the six skill-related components of fitness.
What are agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed?
This acronym is related to a method for acute injury treatment.
What is P.R.I.C.E.S?
Protect, Restrict/Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Support
This is an acronym concept designed to help an individual achieve something.
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely