This famous author and abolitionist wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin. This book became controversial in the south where southerners called it fiction.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
This Northern advantage provided the north with weapons, rations, and clothing for soldiers. Began in 1812
This court case made it clear that slaves were not citizens, slaves were property, and could not sue. This case signified that the federal government would not interfere with slavery
Dredd Scott vs Sandford
This battle was the first battle of the civil war. This attack led by the confederates and surprised this Virginian Fort
Fort Sumter
This treaty ended the Mexican American war giving the present day New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado to the US and 15 million to the Mexicans
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
This reformer fought for better treatment of the mentally ill and wounded soldiers. the mentally ill were usually locked away and subject to abuse due to the belief that the devil was involved.
Dorothea Dix
The growth of this population in the North provided the workforce needed for factories and urbanization
This Act expanded slavery into states that had banned it by allowing bounty hunters to capture escaped slaves in the North
Fugitive Slave Act
This speech delivered by Lincoln was used to give reason for the loss of life at this battle. It became a rallying point for the North to continue to fight
The Gettysburg Address
How did President Lincoln want Southerners to be treated after the war was over.
With respect and as neighbors. Did not want to southerners to continue to fight.
This woman is known for organizing the Seneca Falls Convention, where women began to unify their movement for Women's Suffrage (not suffering)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
This area had very little urbanization, very few large cities, and small population growth. Know for having very large farms worked by slaves
The South
This compromise allowed California to enter as free state and the recapturing of escaped slaves created by Henry Clay
The Compromise of 1850
Name of the battle and state where the turning point of the Civil War took place. The South lost more soldiers than the north but with no way to replace them, the South retreated
The Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
In what ways did the steam boat impact the development of the United States
Westward Expansion - people moved West faster, grew the idea of Manifest Destiny, new markets for agricultural products
Sectionalism - Industry and urbanization grew in the North
Free Enterprise - Cheaper prices on goods, variety of products became available, growth of agriculture industry, growth of cattle in the west,
This art school created the art style of Romanticism, where artist tried to recreate the beauty of nature.
The Hudson River (Art) School
The invention of this device expanded slavery
The cotton gin
This event occurred as a result of Southerners and Northerns rioting while trying to influence the vote through popular sovereignty to determine the status of free or slave state.
Bleeding Kansas
Where did General Lee surrender and describe how he was treated
Appomattox Courthouse
With respect, kept his weapons and uniform
This group of people left Europe for better economic opportunities and free land. This group would settle in the midwest and in Texas, i.e. New Braunfels
This former slave was part of the abolitionist movement. He created a newspaper describing the evils of slavery called the North Star
Fredrick Douglas
This era is a result of the Second Great Awakening and the abuse of immigrants in urban areas.
The Reform Era
This Amendment was quoted as the basis for the South ignoring federal laws and the ability of the South to leave the Union
10th Amendment
State's Rights
This battle resulted in the loss of the Mississippi River. This effectively split the confederacy in two and deprived the South of resources need to fight the North
The Battle of Vicksburg
This Political party emerged as immigrants voted for which ever political gave them work, housing, or food. The party was named this because the voting immigrants did not understand what was going on.
The Know Nothing Party