This rule helped to limit long-distance phone charges.
What was the 5-minute rule?
This fixture in Grassland farmhouses was an early form of social media
What is a party line?
This was on the menu for the kids on night's when Helen had to entertain Vic's business guests for dinner.
What was:
canned Puritan Meatballs
Frozen Fish and Chips
Swanson Dinners
This was a favourite back seat game on the way to church.
What was "poke Baba Sawchyn's fur hat in without her knowing?"
Ask this child why running on pool decks is not recommended.
Who is David?
Do not pass "Go" and do not collect $200 unless you can name this board game, purchased by Parker Brothers in 1935
What is Monopoly?
A guideline implemented to limit the expense of dining out.
What is the "no drinks, no sides" rule?
The most coveted errand a grandkid could have on the farm.
What is delivering a quart of homemade soup and a loaf of homemade bread to Dido's tractor in the field?
David's least favourite dinner.
What is Liver and Onions?
The highlight of Communion Sunday each year.
What was the pancake breakfast?
In Ken's hands, this tool was very effective in removing ice . . . and, nearly, a toe or two!
What is a pitchfork?
Helen was introduced to the world the same year as this popular, stuttering cartoon animal
Who is Porky Pig?
Listen to this audio clue and name the event with which it is associated:
What is "$1.49 day, Woodward's"
A horrifying smell that evokes vivid and painful childhood memories from the farm.
What is the smell of pig hair being singed by a blowtorch?
A common school lunch for young Helen.
What was a sandwich made of homemade blueberry jam and white bread?
This sound often alerted the neighbours that the Dzurkos were running late for church.
What is the car horn?
A crushed pop can makes an excellent puck . . . as long as a high-rising wrist shot doesn't hit this child in the face.
Who is Karen?
This 1935 kitchen appliance invention shares a name with Vic, David and other voracious eaters.
What is a garburator?
Most kids get this product out of a tube. Ours was diluted so it could come out of a pump.
What is toothpaste?
Dido Sawchyn used this expression when he wanted us to slow down and proceed with caution.
Broken-jawed Ken's favourite supper treat.
What is a steak and V8 juice smoothie?
Helen hurriedly handed these out to the kids at stoplights en route to church.
What are quarters for the offering plate?
This child's finger and North Star Sports had their Grand Opening on the same day.
Who is Ken?
Since 1935, you can "give yourself a break" with this tasty confection.
What is a Kit Kat bar?
This rule suggested an 8 sheet limit and encouraged folding rather than scrunching.
What is the toilet paper rule?
An innocent game of hide and seek in the grain field becomes very stressful for a parent when kids choose to play it at this time.
What is threshing time?
This special pasta treat was only available at the end of a Saturday night spaghetti meal.
What is "clean" spaghetti?
Vomiting and fainting were occupational hazards of this church activity
What was being an Altar Boy?
By the time the ambulance arrived, this child's fevered seizures had subsided.
Who is Lori-Ann?
Paul Simon had a hit song singing the praises of this 1935 invention.
What is Kodachrome film?