Lab 3
Lab 5
Timbergians levels
Action Potentials
What measurement is this example: A pack of wolves howl at each other an average of 3 times per each time hunting 



What types of variables are needed for each type of test? 

t-tests/ANOVA: one categorical and one continuous 

Chi-square: 2 categorical tests

correlation/regression: 2 continuous tests


Q1: Why are Lions active during the day? 

H1: Lions are active in the day because it is when their prey are the most active.

- What level is this? 



What is an inhibitory signal? 

- the decrease of postassium in a signal, decreasing the potential of the membrane back to below resting potential. 


What are the differences between neurotransmitters and hormones? 

neurotransmitters: act quicker, go to adjacent cells, short lasting, very specific response

hormones: slower acting, go anywhere blood is able to, long/short lasting, very broad response


When two observers go out to measure the social structure of chimpanzees they want to take into account the aggressive behavior that chimps can display. They are measuring teeth bearing and fighting amongst the clan. When observing the chimps observer B does not believe that teeth bearing is an example of aggressive behavior so they do not record it as much as observer A. While observing a fight a bush was in the way, causing the observers to miss important information on how chimpanzees fight, causing the chimps to stop fighting based on the rustling in the bushes. What types of errors are made here? 

-observer bias

- error of recording

- error of apprehension

- error effect


If Sally wanted to measure the difference between length of song times and the number of mates that male finches have what test would you use and what variables do you have? 

- 1 continuous (length of song), 1 count (# of mates)

- correlation


H2: Lions are active during the day because of the amount of cone cells they posses gives them excellent vision

- physiological 


When you are cooking pasta you accidentaly grab the burning hot handle, yelping and quickly moving your hand away in pain you are able to steer yourself away from serious injury. What are the examples of each neuron in this prompt? 

afferent: sensory receptors in your hand detecting the heat from the metal handle

interneuron: detecting that this heat can burn you an action potential is then sent down to remove your hand from the handle

efferent: motor neurons let your hand go from the handle


Seritonin is released whenever you see the person that you love, when they are no longer present that level eventually goes back down to "normal". What is this an example of?

activational effects 


Is this a state or event? A parrot screaming at its owner an average of 6 times per hour



If Marie is measuring the environment 25 mares are living in (pasture vs stall) and the amount of times a mare is spooked, what test would you use, and what variables do you have? 

- categorial: pasture vs stall

- count: # times spooked

- T-test (unpaired)


q2: Why do elk vocalize themselves during heat? 

- They vocalize themselves because it warns other males to stay away form their territory



When a horse is used for reenactments in historical settings they do not run away in fear when gunshots are fired. What is this ane example of? 



When testing to see if it is a dogs innate behavior to bury their food, scientists put puppies in a concrete room for 2 years. Once the dogs are adopted into homes it was found that none of the dogs wanted to bury their treats, therefore the behavior is not innate. What is this an example of? 

- isolation/depervation

When Cornelia whent out to record cheetas she wanted to observe the types of mating that cheetas utilize. She decided that she is going to record multiple females and chosen her behaviors beforehand. These were urinating on bushes, male and females chasing one another for long periods of time, yelping for males. What observation technique is Cornelia utilizing?

All-occurrence sampling. 


What is the difference between a correlation and regression? 

- correlations measure the association beween 2 variables, they are seeing if there is any relationship between 2 variables. Ex.) ram horn length and # of offspring

-regressions measures how one variable affects the other, a relationship between 2. Ex.) daily feed intake and height


Q1: why do lion cubs stay with their mothers? 

- they stay with their mothers because they are learning how to accurately hunt prey for a meal



T or F

Unvelt results in each individual existing in its own subjective version of the world, not the world as it 'truly' is. 



Ground nesting greylag gooses naturally will roll their eggs back into their nest if they fall out. Scientists wanted to test and see if this behavior was innate or not, so when replacing the eggs with rocks the behavior still occurs. What is this an example of? 

Fixed action pattern: innate, genetically ingraned


What is the difference between rates and frequencies? 

- rates measures something per unit of time, frequency does not. 


What is a p-value? 

- a p-value is the probability you would get the data you have if there was no significant difference/relationship between variables. 

- the likelihood of getting your data if the null hypothesis is correct. 


q1: why do crows help their parents raise younger siblings? 

H1: they help raise their parents because they are too old to need care from their parents but too young to reproduce themselves. 



When typing an essay you listen to Fleetwood mac to break the silence, while hastinly typing your essay you forget that you had music on in the first place you did not "hear it". What is this an example of?

Stimulus filteration


When a chamelion detects a predator/prey nearby they will change its innate color to blend better in the environment, increasing the change of survival for that chamelion or having better odds of catching its next meal. What is this an example of? 

phenotypic plasticity
