Currituck non-emergency number?
What is 252-453-3633
Where was the first 911 call made in the United States
Where is Haleyville, Alabama?
My has fallen
What is a deputy?
Calls taken by the 911 center in 2024
What is 43,000
State agency that Telecommunicators are certified by
What is North Carolina Department of Justice?
Web based live streaming service used to aid 911 callers and responders
What is Prepared 911?
What emerging technology can be used to aid Telecommunicators during a shift
What is AI?
My house is on fire
What is Fire/EMS/Deputy?
Standard for answering 911 calls
What is 10 seconds or less?
Training process length for Telecommunicators with no experience
What is 6 months to 1 year?
How many staff members at Currituck Communications
What is 14?
What is used when technology fails to keep the 911 center operational
What is Pen and paper?
Someone is speeding down my road
What is a deputy?
Minimum hours per month Telecommunicators work
What is 180 hours?
Ability to obtain information on individuals approached by law enforcement
What is DCI (Division of Criminal Information)
Max number of consoles that can be used at once
What is 7?
Can be used to quickly call for help or text 911
What is a cell phone?
I fell off a roof
What is EMS and Nightingale?
Number of split second decisions made by Telecommunicators during a shift
What is over 100?
Medical Protocol
What is EMD(Emergency Medical Dispatch)
Normal shift for Telecommunicators
What is 12 Hours?
Web based program that shows live GPS location of a 911 caller if available
What is RapidSOS?
My boat is sinking
What is Fire/EMS/Deputy/Coast Guard?
Number of tourist that visit the Currituck Outer Banks during the summer?
What is 500,000?
Educational Joy Ride
What is a ride-along?