When you call 911, what can you tell the call taker so that they will know how to get to the location of the emergency?
Your address. It is important to know your address and it could be helpful to know landmarks or signs that are around your house to help find your house.
You get home from school and find that your grandpa has fallen. You can tell he is still breathing, but you can barely understand what he says when he tries to talk to you. Is this an emergency? What should you do?
Yes. If there is another adult in the house, let them know as soon as possible. If there is not, call 911 so that your grandpa may receive help.
Yes or No -- You can hang up the phone as soon as you finish telling the call taker about the emergency
No -- You should stay on the phone until the call taker tells you it is okay. They may want you to remain on the line to make sure they have all necessary information or until help arrives.