When to Call
When You Call
Emergency or Not
Who Can Help
Your friend Sam falls off of a ladder at the park and his leg is very hurt. If his mom is there to help, should you call 911?
No. If there is an adult is there to handle the situation, always go to them before deciding to call 911 yourself.

When you call 911, what can you tell the call taker so that they will know how to get to the location of the emergency?

Your address. It is important to know your address and it could be helpful to know landmarks or signs that are around your house to help find your house.


You get home from school and find that your grandpa has fallen. You can tell he is still breathing, but you can barely understand what he says when he tries to talk to you. Is this an emergency? What should you do?

Yes. If there is another adult in the house, let them know as soon as possible. If there is not, call 911 so that your grandpa may receive help.

This is who would come if there is a house or building on fire.
A fire fighter
Nora's parents are going to a movie and call a babysitter to watch her. She wants to go to the movie too and is very mad at her parents. She decides to call 911 to report her parents leaving her. Is this okay?
No. It is never funny to call 911. 911 should only be used in emergency situations. Calling can tie up emergency services who could be helping someone who really does need help.
Amy cut her finger while making a sandwich. She is home alone and doesn't know if she should call her grandmother or if she should call 911. What should she do?
Amy should call her grandmother to come help her if she did not cut herself too badly.

Yes or No -- You can hang up the phone as soon as you finish telling the call taker about the emergency

No -- You should stay on the phone until the call taker tells you it is okay. They may want you to remain on the line to make sure they have all necessary information or until help arrives.

Max and Jack are walking home from school and notice smoke coming from a window of a neighbors house. Would this be an emergency?
Yes. 911 should be contacted if there is a fire.
This is a person who can help you find your dog if gets out of your yard.
A parent or guardian. This would not be a time to call 911 for help. You can let an adult at home know your dog is missing and they can help to find it.
What number should you call if you have an emergency?
Kelly is about to walk to a friend's house. When she steps out onto her porch, she notices someone trying to break into her neighbor's window. What should Kelly do?
Kelly should immediately go back into her house and let an adult know the situation so that they may contact 911. If no adult is home, she should contact 911 about the situation.
Why is it important to answer all questions slowly and clearly when calling 911?
So that the call taker can understand and take all information. It is important to be thorough and clear about the situation.
Caden is home alone everyday from 3:30-4:00pm until his mom gets home from work. Caden answers the phone when it rings. The caller hangs up without saying anything. Is this an emergency?
No. This is not an emergency situation.
This is a person who can help if someone is breaking into a house.
The police
This is who would respond if a person is unconscious (will not wake up, but still breathing)
An EMT - someone who rides in an ambulance who can help the person while being taken to the hospital for further help.
Your see your dog limping and you are very worried about him. Should you call 911?
No, this is not an emergency and calling 911 cannot help. If you are worried about your dog you could possibly have an adult call a veterinarian to help take care of your dog.
Can you send a text to 911 if there is an emergency?
No, you have to call 911.
John and his friend Mark are riding their bikes through the park when John runs over a piece of glass and busts his tire. The boys are almost home. Should they call 911?
No. If they have a phone, they may contact a parent or guardian to pick them up. No one is being harmed and there is no emergency.
This is who can help if you fall off of your bike and scratch your arm.
A parent or another adult who can help you clean your cut and give you a band aid if needed.
What is the definition of emergency?
A sudden and usually dangerous situation which needs immediate action. You would call 911 in an emergency situation because you would need help right away.