What piece of rock is smaller, rock or pebble?
Which direction does a river flow?
Can a city have a flash flood? Why or why not?
Yes, the pavement does not soak in any water.
What creates a canyon?
What is smaller sand or pebble?
They are broken down through the river from the top of the mountain smaller and smaller until it becomes sand.
What kind of soil cannot soak in water?
Clay soil
What creates a canyon?
What is smaller than sand?
The rocks at the top of a mountain are red, what color would sand be at the bottom of the mountain?
Why are mountains a big contributor to flash floods?
Because the water can flow downward at a faster pace because of a slope
How do rivers help create canyons over time?
Rivers slowly wear away the rock and soil, cutting into the land and deepening the valley, eventually creating a canyon.
How many types of rocks are there?
Why do some rivers flow faster than others?
Because some mountains are steeper and have a larger slope than others.
What is the most famous canyon in the United States?
The Grand Canyon
Name the types of rocks
Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic
How do rivers help our enviroment?
Water for plants and animals
What state was flash flood alley in?
How deep can a canyon be?
Over a mile deep!