What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipmen
How long should you wash your hands with soap and water?
At least 20 seconds
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
If you see a coworker not wearing a mask properly, what should you do?
Politely remind them or report it to a supervisor.
What song can you sing to time your handwashing?
“Happy Birthday” twice!
Name three types of PPE used in infection control.
Gloves, masks, gowns, face shields, etc.
What is the most missed spot when washing hands?
Thumbs and fingertips
Name one of the OSHA-required workplace safety posters.
OSHA Job Safety & Health poster, Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, etc.
A resident has C. difficile. Can you use hand sanitizer after care?
No, wash with soap and water!
What color are biohazard bags?
What is the correct order for donning PPE?
Gown → Mask → Goggles/Face Shield → Gloves
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer must contain at least what percentage of alcohol?
What is the maximum time allowed to report a workplace injury?
24 hours for hospitalization, 8 hours for fatalities
If someone is coughing and sneezing, what should they wear?
A mask!
What does the term "universal precautions" mean?
Treat all blood and bodily fluids as infectious.
What is the last item you should remove when doffing PPE?
Gloves, then hand hygiene
When should you perform hand hygiene?
Before & after patient contact, after PPE removal, etc.
Name one right employees have under OSHA laws.
Right to a safe workplace, right to report hazards, right to training, etc.
A spill of bodily fluids occurs. What is your first step?
Put on PPE and clean with proper disinfectant.
True or False: Gloves replace the need for hand hygiene
True or False: You can reuse disposable gloves if they look clean.
Demonstrate proper hand hygiene in 10 seconds or less.
Judge accuracy!
What is the penalty for a serious OSHA violation?
Varies, but can be thousands of dollars per violation!
What is the best way to prevent the spread of infection?
Hand hygiene!
What is the "chain of infection," and how do we break it?
Pathogen → Reservoir → Exit → Transmission → Entry → Susceptible Host. Break it with handwashing, PPE, and isolation!