________teams build trust, eliminate politics, and increase efficiency
The bottom of the pyramid
Building _______
Be ________
People with this genius can’t help but question whether things could be better in the world around them. They are troubled whenever they see unmet potential, and they are constantly curious and on the lookout for the need to change something.
Discipline 1) Build a Cohesive Leadership Team
- Focusing on _______ results
The top of the pyramid
Focusing on _______
Hold each other ______
This type is about ensuring that a given project, program or effort is taken to completion and achieves the desired result. People who have this genius push for required standards of excellence and live to see the impact of their work.
What is discipline 2 of the 4 disciplines of Organizational Health?
Create Clarity
The middle of the pyramid
Achieving ______
Stay on ______
The Genius of Galvanizing (G) – This type of genius is about bringing _____ and movement to an idea of decision. People who have it like to initiate activity by rallying people to act and inspiring them to get involved.
Discipline 3) Overcommunicate Clarity
Healthy organizations align their employees around organizational clarity by communicating key messages through:
• Simplicity
• ?
• Cascading messages
Multiple Mediums
The role of the leader in mastering conflict is to....
Demand Debate
Honest, Respectful and Timely _____
The Genius of Invention (I) – This type of genius is all about _____. People who have it love to generate new ideas and solutions to problems and are even comfortable coming up with something out of nothing.
Discipline 4) Reinforce Clarity
Organizations sustain their health by ensuring consistency in…
• ?
• Managing performance
• Rewards and recognition
• ?
• Meetings
Hiring and Employee Dismissal
The role of the leader for embracing accountability is to....
Confront Difficult Issues
All _____
The Genius of Discernment (D) – People with this type of genius have a natural ability when it comes to evaluating or assessing a given idea or situation and providing guidance. They have good instincts, gut feel and judgment about the subtleties of making decisions that integrate logic, _______ ______, and human needs.
common sense