Asi se dice "Ella es una amiga"
She's a friend
Asi se dice "tu eres hermosa"
You are beautiful
Estoy aprendiendo Ingles, es:
I am learning English
I'm learning English
No tengo hambre
I'm not hungry
Tienes hambre?
Are you hungry?
Asi se dice "Él es un maestro"
He is a teacher
Asi se dice "ella es bonita"
She is pretty
Estoy leyendo un libro
I am reading a book
I'm reading a book
Yo no estoy hablando
I'm not talking
Estas aprendiendo Ingles?
Are you learning English?
Asi se dice "Yo no soy arquitecto"
I'm not an architect
Asi se dice "Tengo hambre"
I'm hungry
Ella esta aprendiendo Ingles
She is learning English
Ellos no estan escuchando al maestro
They're not listening to the teacher
Eres un estudiante de Ingles?
Are you an English student?
Asi se dice "tu eres una maestra"
You are a teacher
Asi se dice "tu llegas tarde"
You're late
Nosotros estamos escuchando musica
We are listening to music
Nosotros no nos estamos deteniendo
We're not stopping
Estas en el trabajo?
Are you at work?
Asi se dice "ella es actora"
She's an actress
Asi se dice "el no es policia"
He is not a police officer
he isn't a police man
Ellos estan platicando en español
They are speaking in Spanish
Ellos no estan estudiando para el examen
They're not studying for the exam
Esta caro
It is expensive
It's expensive