what is total fertility rate, what is the threshold for growth, or population decrease
Average number of children per women TFR > 2 = pop growth TFR<2 = pop decrease
The basic idea is that people who do not have enough food will not have enough energy and strength to be able to get out of poverty, and as a result, their children will repeat the same process because they will not be able to go to school to get the education, they need to make money to become more successful. If the people had more food, they would be able to have the energy to be more productive and make more money.
what is nutrition based poverty trap
Long run – expanding edu especially for women, increased job opportunities, better health including clean water and sanitation, improved nutrition
Short run – persuade families to have smaller families, family planning programs, economic incentives/disincentives (eliminating maternity benefits, social security), coerce people with laws (China one child policy), raise status of women
What are potential policies for lowering fertility rates
Companionship, increased chance of education, health benefits, increase human capital
What are the benefits of a basic education
A larger population means they will have more kids than the previous, meaning population will continue to grow
What is population momentum
the number of surviving daughters per mother NRR = 1, NRR>1 is pop growth
What is the net reproduction rate
Poverty, popular perceptions, customs and traditions, availability and quality of schooling, more
What are the causes of child labor
higher LFPR, later marriage, lower fertility, lower child mortality, improved child health and nutrition, lower poverty, less violence against women
What are the benefits of closing the education gap
Recommend giving away fortified foods to pregnant women and parents, deworming in schools, providing meals rich in micronutrients
what are the recommendations from Banerjee and Duflo
More microfinance, remittances, international bond markets, encourage FDI, fight for free trade in agriculture, land tenure security
what are Moyos alts to aid
Less investments in each child’s human capital
Fiscal challenges – a poor country can’t provide services for a population that doubles every generation
Ecological and income consequences – shrinking farm sizes for example
Mass migration and local conflict
What are Sachs arguments for fertility decline
increase schooling opportunities, free meals at school, access to credit, birth certificates, policies to improve rural livelihoods, (conditional) cash transfer programs
What are policies to reduce child labor
Initially as income rises, population rises. There is an increase in food production, but there are diminishing returns, resulting in less food, less food for more people means less food per person.
What is the malthusian model
Daily wage rate in cote d’Ivoire is 19% lower among men who lose a day of work per month from illness, elimination of deformity from leprosy was estimated to more than triple earnings of workers in India
What is the relationship between health and income
benefits to a large population (name 3)
what are Larger demand, economies of scale, low-cost labor, higher output, increased innovation -- Genius Principle, Increased agricultural output - only 12% of arable land is under cultivation. Some regions had higher populations in the past (decreased because of slave trade). Military & political power
Children in treatment households saw a 23% decrease in illness, school enrollments increased 6% for boys and 9% for girls, incidence of child labor decreased by 15-25%
What are the implications of conditional cash transfer programs
Fertility rates are likely to fall when there is an increase in education or employment opportunities for women, a reduction in infant mortality, development of social security systems, expanding of school systems so parents can substitute child “quality” or quantity
What are the implications of the micro theory of fertility
Foreign aid corrupts the government, corrupt government discourages investment. Fewer investments reduce economic growth, donors give more aid and the cycle continues, aid weakens social capital, aid leads to more conflicts, aid creates inflation, aid dependency, aid discourages free enterprise
Why is aid detrimental to an economy
Strong micro returns to education (more education = more wages)
Educated individuals went into socially unproductive activities
Stagnant demand for educated labor (supply outstrips demand, education pays off more than technological progress)
Does education create skills?
what is the macro-micro paradox
Criticisms are that it assumes there is no technological progress, assumes population and income are positively related, focuses on per capita income as the primary determinant of fertility.
what are criticisms of the malthusian model
Lends to women only, weekly repayment schedule, group lending with joint liability, regular meetings, very small initial loans which become larger later, extensive monitoring by credit officers, high interest rates
What is the microfinance model including the role of group lending with joint liability
Targeted assistance backed by donor aid lie at the heart of breaking the poverty trap. Communities in extreme poverty simply do not have the resources to break out of the poverty trap on their own
What is Sachs approach to break a poverty trap
increases in income can show up in two ways (increase the number of children, and increase the expenditures on each child), assumes that the law of demand holds for children, and assumes that the desire for children is affected by tastes for other goods relative to children and by prices of other goods relative to price of children
what is the micro theory of fertility
missing in action found this
What is higher absences in healthcare workers than teachers, lower absences in high income areas
microfinanace helps eradicate poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empowerment of women, replace child mortality, and improve mental health
What are benefits to microfinance