Who is the king of the Greek gods, known for wielding a thunderbolt?
Who is Zeus?
This creature is part man and part horse.
What is a centaur?
This hero stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity.
Who is Prometheus?
This is the home of the gods, located on the highest mountain in Greece.
What is Mount Olympus?
In this myth, the king turned everything he touched into gold.
Who is King Midas
This goddess is the sister and wife of Zeus and is the queen of the gods.
Who is Hera?
This creature has the body of a man, and the head and tail of a bull
What is a Minotaur?
This hero completed twelve labors.
Who is Heracles (Hercules)?
This is the realm of the dead, ruled by Hades.
What is the Underworld?
In this myth, a hero turned a woman into a tree to save her from a pursuing lover.
What is the story of Daphne and Apollo?
This god is the god of the sea and is often depicted with a trident.
Who is Poseidon?
This winged horse sprang from the blood of Medusa when she was slain by Perseus.
What is Pegasus?
This hero is known for killing the Minotaur in the Labyrinth.
Who is Theseus?
The house of the Minotaur.
What is the Labyrinth?
In this myth, a woman opens a jar and releases all the evils into the world.
What is the myth of Pandora’s Box?
This goddess is known for wisdom, warfare, and strategic planning.
Who is Athena?
A terrifying creature with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a
What is a Chimera?
This hero's weakness is his heel.
Who is Achilles?
This island was the home of the sorceress Circe, who turned men into pigs.
What is Aeaea?
In this myth, a woman made Athena mad, and was turned into a spider.
Who is Arachne?
This god of the underworld rules the realm of the dead.
Who is Hades?
This creature has the body of a serpent and the head of a beautiful woman, luring sailors to their doom
What is a Siren?
This hero is famous for his journey to the underworld to rescue his wife, Eurydice.
Who is Orpheus?
This is the island where the hero Odysseus is stranded for several years.
Answer: What is Ithaca?
What is Ithaca?
This myth tells of a man who flies too close to the sun with wings made of wax.
Who is Icarus?