This person escaped from slavery, and helped other people escape.
Harriet Tubman
How did Harriet Tubman help slaves get free?
Using the Underground Railroad
People began to move west towards which ocean?
The Pacific Ocean.
Why do people come to the United States?
For a better life.
What is slavery?
Slavery is one person forcing another person to work without pay.
Who made slavery illegal in the United States?
Abraham Lincoln
Why did the pioneers move west?
THe land along the Atlantic Ocean (east coast) was getting crowded.
What is an immigrant?
An immigrant is a person who leaves one country to live in another.
Who was in The Civil War?
The northern states and the southern states.
How did Sojourner Truth help people who had been enslaved?
She helped them find jobs and homes.
People who leave their homes to lead the way into a land that they do not know are called.....?
What things do immigrants bring to our country?
Immigrants bring songs, art, dances, stories, new languages, and new foods to our country.
Who won the Civil War?
The North won the war.
What happened after the Civil War?
After the war ended, slavery was against the law.
Why were the Native Americans attacking the pioneers? Why were they so angry?
The Native Americans were being forced to leave their land.
Why is it important to continue traditions?
If people do not continue with their tradtions, those things will be lost and forgotten.
What year did the Civil War end?
Which part of our country wanted to keep slavery?
The south
Why was it hard for pioneers?
They had no roads, and often no food. Native Americans attacked them too.
What is a time line?
A time line is a line that shows the order in which things happen.