Body Parts
They are in your Mouth
what is čičiči - teeth
These can be domesticated
what is muusmuus - Cow
Common house pest
what is iic̓kʷin - Mouse
they make over 300 sounds
what is kuuʕuušin - raven
Could be used as a drying agent
What is saant - Salt
things you can run your fingers through
what is hapspy̓up - hair
These have long pointed antlers
What is - Elk
these can be wild or domestic
what is - Dog
It is highly regarded in many cultures
what is qʷaɁac̓iik - Eagle
This goes with many dishes
what is supnin - Bread
this can be raised on your face
what is ʕaʕači - eyebrow
these set off "Burglar" alarms
what is - Racoon
This can be dried, or preserved
What is y̓apma - Salal Berry
you can rest on this
what is ƛ̓akʷin - elbow
these are useful tools
what are kukʷinksi - Hands