Study of functionalchanges in the body caused by injury, disorder or disease
What is Pathophysiology?
The cellular adaptation enable:
What is: Maintain steady state (homeostasis) and survive to adverse condition
The osmotic pressure or tension of an extracellular solution is known as tonicity (serum osmolarity). The solution with equal to serum osmolality is called ___
What is Isotonic solution
Geriatric patient's drug dosage may need to be adjusted due to one of these known pharmacokinetics
Waht is "Distribution"
Nurse obtains laboratory results indicating hypokalemia, and causes nurse's concern
What is Cardiac arrhythmia (among other things)
The study of disease in certain population
What is epidemiology
This type of cellular change is caused by a reduction in functional demand
What is atrophy
This is he major cation in extracellular space.
What is sodium
Pediatric dosage is determined by _
What is body weight (Kg)
Nurse understands that it promotes "thirst" when this in the hypothalamus is stimulated
What is Osmoreceptor
New cases in given time period vs. number in the population living with disease at given time
What is Incidence vs. Prevalence
This cellular change; one cell type is replaced by another type of cell due to constant stressor
What is Metaplasia
This term indicates the protein-dependent forces that promotes fluid movement into intravascular space.
What is (Capillary)Oncotic pressure
Nursing teaching an older adult about potential adverse effect before beginning antibiotics. One of the characteristics of older adults increasing risk predisposing them to adverse reaction is due to decreased number of
What is Recepetors
Nurse notices tetany on the client's hand while taking blood pressure, and suspects this condition with electrolytes
What is Hypocalcemia
Drugs given for therapeutic purpose
What is medication
Most common cause of cellular injury is from
This is the major cation in intracellular space
What is potassium
It is this type of tolerance that is associated with long term administration of drugs such as morphine
Pharmacodynamic tolerance
This condition, often the result of inadequate fluid intake is
What is Hypovolemia
This type of prevention is done by before the disease happens
What is primary prevention
In acute stress adaptation of body, this _______ Axis become activated
HPA; releasing adrenaline, epinephrine, cortisol
This, although most of it is contained in bones and teeth, it is essential to maintain optimal level in extracellular space for action potential and muscle contraction
What is calcium
All drugs during pregnancy can cross placenta by
5th weeks. Lipid soluble drugs cross more easily
This is type of edema leaving the indentation when pressed on the lower leg of client during the assessment
What is pitting edema
Chemical or official name of the drug that is independent of the manufacturer and often indicates the drug group
What is Generic name:
This system gets activated when decreased renal blood flow is sensed due to low blood pressure.
Water moves back into intravascular space from venous end space where this pressure is higher in intravascular space
What is Oncotic (colloidal) pressure
FDA pregnancy risk categories are indicated by letters.
Category X indicates:
Definite risk to fetus & must not be used during pregnancy (example; Accutane, anticoagulant, etc.)
This transport mechanism is associate with movement of water in the body
What is water