The name for this fraction:
Nokum means
This type of plant can grow without seeds.
Sound travels like a...
I can find the Zoom link for each week online here.
Google Classroom
What fraction is equal to 1/2 in this picture?
Allen Sapp
Plants will do this when there is little sunlight.
Grow taller/towards the light
Sound can travel through these air, water and...
In a Zoom meeting it is polite to do this if you want to talk.
raise your hand/emoji hand
Which fraction is greater?
1/2 or 2/5
The boy in the story would rather do this than go to school.
Drum and sing
Too much of this life giving liquid will kill a plant.
In space no one can...
hear you
In a breakout group I can work with...
a smaller group to get extra help or read my book with my small group.
When I order pizza, I get two large pizzas with 8 slices each. There are 4 people in my family so we each get this many pieces.
Indigenous children were often sent to these boarding schools.
Residential Schools
An Observation in science means this.
Viewing and recording information
You can go deaf if this part of your ear is not working.
Mr. Cove offers drop in Zoom time every day at this time.
My bag of LEGO is 60 pieces. When I share with my brother and sister, I give them each 1/3 of the pieces which is this many.
This is the reason the boy finally decides to listen to his Nokum and learns to read.
We are all children of the same creator/Manitou.
Plants can survive for long periods of time without nutrients from this.
Sound is fast, but not as fast as this type of energy.
We don't have an afternoon Zoom time this day of the week.