Week 1: Intro to OB
Week 2: Personality
Week 3: Motivation
Week 4: Groups & Teams

What is the ultimate goal of studying organizational behaviour?

Improving the attitudes and behaviours of individuals and groups in organizations through studying behavioural science


Name a con of the MBTI test and why it can be harmful to use when hiring

The MBTI test is not always consistent as people change and develop as they grow and answer the questions differently. Therefore, it can be misleading to recruiters.


Ever since Nyla was little, she has said she will become a doctor. She just graduated from medical school and has been using the motivation of living up to personal goals to study for every exam, helping her to pass. What kind of motivation has Nyla been using?

Intrinsic Motivation


What are the four benefits of psychological safety?

promotes innovation, supports productive conflict, mitigates failure, increase accountability


A researcher discovered that areas with more elementary schools see higher sales of alcohol. What kind of factor could be causing this association?

Third variable


What attitudes to conscientiousness (from the big 5 personality types) do people have?

They are always prepared and get work done efficiently and in a detailed manner


What are the links of expectancy theory?

Expectancy, instrumentality, valence


One of the suggested solutions to social loafing is to look at the big picture and start by asking the question of why a team member did not contribute adequately to the project. True or false.



Your cat wakes up and immediately starts meowing and cuddling you. Can you claim causation on this event based on your cat’s affection for you?

The three factors are correlation, cause occurs before event, and no third factor driving both


The MAT133 final is coming up. A student is having a hard time understanding integrals. Instead of doing the suggested practice problems the student decided that they would never understand how to do integrals. They have decided to get a zero on any question that shows up on the exam. What kind of mindset is this?

Fixed mindset


This theory suggests that employees compare their input-output ratio with others and desire fairness, often resulting in changes in motivation when they perceive unfairness

Equity theory


A basketball team in a small town have been playing together for the last 10 years. The entire team feels that they can speak up and help make plays during practices as well as take charge during games because they know they will not be punished for any ideas or making a mistake. What kind of safety do they have?

Psychological Safety


Which trend is making organizational behaviour particularly relevant to us?

Remote working


Job enrichment refers to engaging workers by enhancing three dimensions, what employees are best suited for this and what are the effects?

It is best suited for employees are flexible and responsive to others, and it helps to improve intrinsic motivation but not every worker responds positively to enriched jobs.


What is the main reason that a break in the Expectancy link can be devastating?

It violates the fundamental human need for control


What does a person with naive realism expect others to react when they are exposed to the same information?

Expect others to come to the same conclusion.
