Red, Yellow, Blue
What are the primary colors?
The mode
What is the number repeated the most amount of times in a collection of data called?
How many times a week do we have either Mar Schrag or Mrs. Barlevy during Big Idea?
What magazine does Claire Sufrin edit?
What food did Morah Hoch bring for everyone in our class to eat?
What color is made from red and blue?
In the number sequence 3,4, 5 what is the median?
This American Life
What Podcast did we listen to with Mar Schrag?
To come
What does TK mean when put in a magazine?
What middle school near us was in this American life?
Upside down
When a picture is sent to your brain, how does it appear?
More than one
How many answers are needed to create data?
The opening and closing statements from Jacob Simon
What lost the debate for the team's pro-death penalty?
What language is the writing in when the layout is first made for the magazine?
How many prompts were on the New York Times list for best writing ideas?
Using the mind’s eye
How can you see pictures inside your head?
In the number sequence 6,8,14,7, what is the range?
Sketch notes
What method did we use when we took note while listening to American life?
What year did Frank Alkeyer take over as president of his magazines?
The Washington Post
What newspaper does the main character in the movie, Post work for?
If a person smells a song what condition may they have?
To help us make sense of information
What is the purpose of statistics?
Persuasive: Trying to get someone to feel the same way as you
A story written to inform people of something
What is the difference between narrative writing and persuasive writing?
How many magazines is Frank Alkeyer the president of?
What did Mar Schrag order at Taboon?