Topic and Main Idea
Vocabulary in Context
Active Reading
Inference and Details
Patterns of Organization
What is a topic?
The subject of a reading.
What is a definition clue and how do you recognize it, what are the clues? (name at least 4 clues)
A definition clue to vocabulary means they give you the definition in the reading. On page 32 we can see is, is defined as, means, refers to, a :, -, bold word or a word in () or a comma followed by a definition are all clues.
What should you do before you read a passage?
Activate background knowledge Set a purpose for reading Preview the title, headings, pictures Make predictions on what the reading will cover
What does it mean to infer from a reading?
Inferences are reasonable conclusions and guesses based on information in the text.
What is an author's pattern of organization?
A pattern of organization refers to the author's organization of supporting details in a reading.
Look at the title, headings, bold words, and words that are repeated.
What are the steps to finding the topic of a reading?
What is a synonym clue for vocabulary in context? What are at least three clues?
A synonym clue is a word that means the same as the unknown word that is in the same reading. Clues include: or followed by a synonym also known as a later word in the reading that means the same thing , or , ....these.....
What should you do while you read?
Mark the main idea and major details Write down questions Take notes Pose guide questions and answer them
What are the steps to infer?
Question- look at the question and find where the author discusses it What does it say- look and see what the author says about that I say- think about what conclusion you can draw from what the author says So...make a reasonable guess
What are the three types of organization we discussed?
List, including simple and specific list Define/classify Two-part, which includes cause/effect, problem/solution, and compare/contrast
What are the steps to finding a main idea?
Find the topic Find the author's purpose Look for a sentence that covers all of the main points of the passage Go back to the article and make sure that the supporting details match your main idea sentence.
In the example, identify the type of clue and meaning of the word using a context clue.
Additional more subtle life chances exist and they too are different by social class. These less obvious life chances are in good part the product of inequality.
What is a guide question and how do you use it?
A guide question is a question you create to focus your reading. This helps you to find and focus on the main points as you read. You can also use the questions to go back and check your understanding and study for classes and tests after reading. Guide questions start with: who, what, where, when, why or how.
What is the difference in a major and minor supporting detail?
Major details in a reading are the primary points that support the main idea. Minor details are more specific points that support the major details like examples and statistics.
What are some key words that can help you identify classify and list organization?
Classify Types, kinds, ways, parts, categories List first, second, third, also, last, in addition, finally, stages, steps
What are the four author purposes we discussed? Explain them.
Inform- give facts Instruct- tell the steps or process Persuade- to make someone agree with opinion Entertain- to make laugh or enjoy
What is an antonym clue and what is an inference clue? What are at least two clues for each?
An antonym clue is a clue that means the opposite of the unknown word. Many transition words show us an antonym clue such as unlike, instead, but, however, on the other hand, rather, conversely, whereas. An inference clue is where you use the information around the word to guess. Clues include a list of examples or descriptive details that clarify the word.
What is a good guide question for the following passage?
Mind/Body Health: What you can do Learning to deal with stress effectively is a worthwhile effort, even if you already consider yourself able to handle anything life sends your way. You should first identify the cause. Then, monitor your mood. Third, set reasonable expectations. Fourth, walk away when you are angry. Following these steps can help you to decrease stress and stay healthy.
Identify the two major details and two minor details in the reading below.
Your education is your responsibility. What you learn is up to you. You determine what you learn first by your habits. For example, reviewing notes, vocabulary words, and summaries every day is a way to take responsibility for your learning. Second, you determine what you learn by how much you study. Research has shown that 75% of students who report regular studying and reviewing (not just doing homework) do 50% better in university classes. You are responsible for what you learn!
Identify the type of organization in the following reading.
Do not take naps the day after you've lost sleep. When you feel sleepy, get up and do something. Walk, make the bed, clean your room, or run errands like getting groceries. These solutions are much better than napping, which will make you more tired!
Identify the main idea in the following passage.
Doing things can bring us more joy than having things. Our emphasis on buying things obscures a significant truth: The things that don't last create the most happiness. That's what two professors of the University of Colorado found when they asked students to compare pleasure they got from recent things they bought vs. the experiences (time with friends, a vacation) they spent money on.
Identify the type of vocabulary context clue and meaning of the word in the next example.
Inadequate sleep (less than 7 hours per night) has been tied to many different health problems, including diabetes and cancer.
What are things you can do after you read to increase your understanding and memory of what you read?
Review your notes, especially about main points Answer guide questions Write a summary Think about how well you're using reading strategies and correct any areas that are weak!
What can be inferred about the origin of the human and chimpanzee based on the passage below?
Humans have approximately 30,000 genes. Human DNA is 98 percent identical to chimpanzee DNA, which is still very different from human DNA. The average amount of genetic difference between a human and a chimp is .2 percent or 1 in 500 letters.
Identify the pattern of organization in the following passage.
If you are having trouble sleeping, it is critical to determine whether the fundamental causes are disease or a condition is causing the problem. Sometimes insomnia, or not being able to sleep, is caused by pain, digestive problems, or a sleep condition.