Where did we meet (or what grade)
coney island
How maky drinks did addie have at the bridge on big wednesday
trick question she didnt go!
what is Janelle and Maggie's favorite memorie tg
mets game
what night did i have the most fun
mets game
When did julie thow up for the first time
Blue after
How does she have her french fries
ketchup on top of them
when did me and Janelle became friends
4th grade basketball
who was my fav taking stage
What month was the bridge night i was with alex
Who's her fav brother
who is our fav teacher
whats my fav drink
pink whiney
who our fav teacher
Whats her fav show
one tree hill
where were me and Maggie 21st night of sept
maddies sweets
who is my fav sibling
what boy only has there location on for both
molly: cheese
Julie: alex
where did she kiss brendan
under cabanas
our first beatbox flavor
how times did i die my hair