They operate the largest K-9 program in the country
The date in which it sank
April 14th 1912
The famous Fedora hat was actually stolen from another archaeologist in his childhood during a flashback from this movie
Indiana Jones and Last Crusade
In 2019, Disney purchased a studio that had titles like X-Men and Fantastic Four
21st Century Fox
He was so massive they had to get a larger bathtub in the White House
William Howard Taft
In the 1800s they were in charge of getting rid of counterfeit currency
The Secret Service
The way the passengers were divided
1st class, 2nd class, and 3rd class
Jones's biggest fear
They were partners until Disney bought them in 2006
Civil war, Top Hat, and a Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln
They run into fires while you run out of them
The time it took for it to sink
2 Hours and 40 Minutes
Which movie is the middle Chronologically
The Last Crusade
Before Disney bought LucasFilm they owned it
George Lucas and Steven Speilburg
Almost assassinated and told the German secretary to "tear down this wall".
Ronald Regan
They only meet a couple times a year, starting in October
The Supreme Court
His full name
Dr. Henry Walton Jones Jr.
His little Asian friend
Shorty Round
Magic, Wonder, Dream, Fantasy, Wish, Treasure, Adventure, and Destiny
Disney Cruise Line
Orange hair and a Billionaire
Donald Trump
These two agencies draft bills
The Senate and the House of Representatives
On the bottom of the ship water could be in four chambers and still sail; how many chambers were full of water leading to the ship's sinking
His Full name
Dr. Henry Walton Jones Jr.
The thing that started it all
Walt Disney Animation Studios
"Sleepy Joe"
Joe Biden