Reason (Change Talk)
These 3 words make up the MI acronym- CAT
Commitment, Activation, Taking Steps
These four words make up the MI acronym- OARS
Open-Ended Questions, Affirmations, Reflections, Summaries
"I've been going to the gym regularly for the last two weeks and haven't had a drink since I started going."
"We're in this together, and I'm here to support you in finding what works best for you."
"I really wish I could stop drinking so much."
Desire (Change Talk)
"I should probably throw away all my pills so I'm not tempted."
Activation (Change Talk)
"I know I should probably quit using, but I don't think I'm ready yet." - Open-Ended Question
ex. "What might need to happen for you to feel ready?"
"I've been looking into quit-smoking programs and setting a date to stop next month."
"I can see how much this situation is weighing on you. You deserve support as you work through it."
"I can't keep living like this, I need to figure something out now."
Need (Change Talk)
"I didn't drink at all last weekend, which is a big deal for me."
Taking Steps (Change Talk)
"I told my friend I don't want to party as much, but they didn't take me seriously." - Affirmation
ex. "That took courage- it's not easy to stand up for your choices, especially with friends."
"You've mentioned before that you really care about your family. How might that affect your decision to make changes?"
"Weed helps me be more social so I can actually hang out with friends."
Reasons (Sustain Talk)
"I've made up my mind- I can't keep using like this."
Commitment (Change Talk)
"I know my drug use is bad for me, but its the only think that helps me cope." - Reflection
ex. "You're feeling torn because, on one hand, you see the negative impact, and on the other, it's your way of managing stress."
"It's been 6 months since I quit drinking and I'm feeling so much better."
"I understand that this is difficult for you, and it's ok to feel uncertain about making a change."
Ability (Sustain Talk)
"I'm not quitting, you might as well stop asking."
Commitment (Sustain Talk)
"You're really bad at this therapy stuff." - Open-Ended Question
This is the name of the model associated with the Stages of Change
The Transtheoretical Model
These four words make up the MI acronym- PACE
Partnership, Acceptance, Compassion, Evocation