this member of his family is the king of gods who is it
hermes is the god of when people go places and make sure there safe while doing it what is it
it is travel
Hermes had to delever something but if it was opened something bad would happen in the world
pandoras box
this represents the inspirational goddesses of literature, sceince and arts
the muses
where is hermes from
who were his parents
miaia and zeus
hermes is the god when people exchange goods
hes the god of trade and commerce
as a kid he went on an adventure and stole cattle from a god as a prank who was the god
it was apollo
this person is really important to Hermes because he is his son and also the divine hero what is his name
hermes would allways have festivals and rituals and he had a giant festival one year what was this festival called
it is called the hermea
what is hermes the god of
Hermes is the patriot god of thieves, merchants, travel, trade, fertility, sleep and language
hermes was the messanger of people with extreme amounts of power who were they.
he was messanger of the gods
Hermes saved a mortal lover from being inprisoned by hera what was this mortal lovers name
it is lo
it is a magical item granting invisibility what is the name of the magical item
it is called the helm of hades
it reflects gods and goddesses and its values what is the name of this
the pantheon
how many half siblings did hermes have
hermes watches over these people as there doing something wrong but hes the god of it
he is the god of theivery
Hermes was assisting perseus to slay the gorgon by medusa what item did hermes lend persues
his winged sandals or known as talaria
it is a symbol representing hermes and it also looks like the hospital symbol what is it called
it is caduceus
in hermes culture it was filled with myths what is the most popular myth about hermes
the most popular myth is maia
this sibling of hermes is the god of , Light, Music and poetry, Healing and plagues, Prophecy and knowledge, Order and beauty who is it
it is apollo
hermes is the god of something that everyone uses in some way
it is comunication
hermes went to save hera from being enprisoned and to slay the gorgon medusa and ends up slaying the 100 eyed giant known as who
argus panthopes
hermes had these winged sandals that helped him fly what were they called
they were called talaria
what is one thing of the daily life guidance of hermes