When was the Night of Patriotic Delirium?
4 August 1789
What was the population of France in 1789?
28 Million
What are nobles of the sword?
Aristocrats/nobles by birth
What is a remonstrance?
The Parlements' decision to send a law back to the king for amendment
What is another name for the Enlightenment?
the Age of Reason
What was the Great Fear of 1789?
Panic and riots by peasants, destroying feudal records
What was the "Capitation"?
Tax levied per person
Who wrote "What is the Third Estate"?
Abbe Sieyes
What was the Compte Rendu?
A false account of the Kingdom of France's finances
What was the Reveillon Riots?
A day where Parisian employees in the wallpaper factory owned by Reveillon + crowd misheard and stormed a house and factory
What was the main political theory of Rousseau?
Government should be based on the consent of the governed
What did the Bastille represent to the French people of 1789?
A symbol of royal despotism
Who met twice weekly at the home of Adrien Duport to discuss the nature of representation at the Estates-General?
Society of Thirty
What is the name of the 24 members of the aristocracy and high clergy, effectively an advisory council for the King in the Ancien Regime, usually summoned in a time of crisis
Assembly of Notables
A popular uprising in Grenoble, protesting against the King's decision to exile the Parlement
Day of Tiles