Who is the CEO of WL Gore?
Bret Snyder
What does CTAG Stand For?
Conformable Thoracic Aortic Graft
"if you trust individuals and believe in them, they will be motivated to do what’s right for the company." - This is the what gore culture definition?
Belief in the Individual
How many gore associates are there?
13,000 plus
What are Gores 4 Guiding Principles?
What does CMDS Stand For?
CTAG modified Deployment System
The power of small teams: Our lattice organization harnesses the fast decision-making, diverse perspectives and collaboration of _____??
Small Teams
Our lattice organization harnesses the fast decision-making, diverse perspectives and collaboration of small teams.
How much money does WL Gore make a year?
4.5 Billion
- any number that is the closest
What is the freedom principle?
“Everyone will allow, help, and encourage other associates to grow in knowledge, skill, scope of responsibility, and range of activities.”
Who founded WL Gore?
Bill Gore - another accepted answer is Bill and Vieve gore
What is the waterline principle?
“Everyone will consult with other associates before taking actions that might be ‘below the waterline’ and cause serious damage to the Enterprise.”
How many continents is WL Gore located in?
What is the Fairness Principle?
"Everyone will try to be fair. Everyone will sincerely strive to be fair with each other, our suppliers, our customers, and all persons with whom we carry out transactions."
What does PTFE stand for?
What is Fitness for use principle?
We make a commitment to every customer that our products “do what we say they will do,” and we stand behind that promise. All of our products must adhere to high standards because their quality impacts our reputation.
List one WL Gores Core Values
Innovation, and creativity, High ethics and integrity, One to one communication, Lattice, Deep Knowledge, Natural Leadership, Personal relationships built on trust, Fitness for use, Compensation based on contribution.
Where are the gore headquarters located?
Newark, Delaware
What is the freedom pinciple?
“Everyone will allow, help, and encourage other associates to grow in knowledge, skill, scope of responsibility, and range of activities.”