Who developed the Donkey Kong Country games of the SNES?
What PS2 Greek mythology-inspired action game was released in Japan by Capcom?
God of War
Which publisher is responsible for the Far Cry games?
What colour is Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion?
Which Atari game has thousands of copies dumped in a landfill in Arizona?
In what year was the Gamecube first released?
What is Mega Man known as in Japan?
Who is the main developer of the Battlefield series?
A “quarter circle forward and punch” as Ryu does what famous Street Fighter move?
What is the name of the Tauren capital city in World of Warcraft?
Thunder Bluff
In what century was Nintendo founded?
19th century. In 1889!
Who played Guile in the Street Fighter movie?
Jean Claude Van Damme
What is the name of the ship that Master Chief starts on in the original Halo?
Pillar of Autumn
What game is based on an event known as “The King of the Iron Fist Tournament”?
What is the name of Crash Bandicoot’s sister?
Which Call of Duty game was a launch title for the Wii?
Call of Duty 3
The 3 playable characters in Final Fight are Haggar, Cody, and who?
From which game would you hear the line… “The Devil…is real. I know. I built his cage”?
Doom 3
Which Street Fighter character got her own live-action movie in 2009?
Chun Li
What was the development name for the Gamecube?
What letter appears on Donkey Kong Jr.’s shirt?
What were the first Zelda games to be developed by Capcom?
Oracle of Ages and Seasons
What is the name of the mining corporation that organizes the tournaments of Unreal Tournament?
What is the name of the mega corporation in Killer Instinct?
Where does the name “Atari” come from?
From the board game, Go.