This is what Carrie’s name is short for.
This is the meaning behind the acronym TBI.
Traumatic brain injury
Carrie traveled to this city for a cheerleading competition.
Orlando, Vegas, etc.
This is Carrie’s car's name.
These are Carrie’s siblings' names - in order.
Timothy, Mary and Stephen
This the scientific term for the flies used in Carrie’s thesis research.
Drosophila melanogaster
Snooki’s daughter plays for this cheerleading teams.
Central Jersey Allstars
Carrie has this many wisdom teeth remaining.
All 4
This is the bone Carrie has broken.
These are the most abundant cells in the central nervous system.
Glial cells
Carrie played this position in cheer most often.
Carrie has had this many cats throughout their life.
This is the cheer team Carrie won the national championship with.
Carrie won this award from the MHC biology department.
Sue Barry award for joyous exploration of science
Cheerleading is thought to have begun this decade.
This was Carrie’s favorite color as a child.