Where is doughnut from?
It is from ___________.
Doughnut is from the USA
Where is Mr. Nabata from?(県)
He is from______________.
He is from Gifu.
Where is volleyball from?(国)
It is from ____________.
Volleyball is from the USA.
Where is swimming from?(国)
It is from _____________.
Swimming is from the UK.
Where is Oda Nobunaga(織田信長)from? (県)
He is from ______________.
Oda Nobunaga is from Aichi.
Where is gummy from?(国)
It is from ________________.
Gummy is from Germany.
Where is Ms. Akiyama from?(県)
She is from ______________.
Ms. Akiyama is from Aichi.
Where is Mr.Matsuko from? (県)
He is from ______________.
Matsuko is from Tochigi.
Where is figure skate(フィギアスケート)from?(国)
It is from___________.
Figure skate is from Netherland.
Where is Ino Tadataka(伊能忠敬)from?(時代)
He is from _____________.
Ino Tadataka is from Edo period.
Where is curry and rice from?(国)
Curry and rice is from the UK.
Where is Mr. Hiyama from?(県)
He is from _____________.
He is from Niigata.
Where is 野比のび太 (Nobi Nobuta) from?(県)
He is from _____________.
Nobita is from Toyama.
Where is Yarinage from?(国)
It is from _____________.
Yarinage is from Greece.(ギリシャ)
Where is Shotoku Taishi(聖徳太子)from?
He is from _____________.
He is from Asuka period.
Where is apple pie(アップルパイ) from?
It is from ______________.
Apple pie is from England.
Where is Ms. Nesuma from?(国)
She is from ____________.
Ms. Nesuma is from Egypt.
Where is Akaishike Sanma(明石家さんま)from?(県)
He is from _____________.
Akaishike Sanma(明石家さんま)is from Wakayama.
Where is bound tennis(バウンドテニス)from?(国)
It is from _____________.
Bound tennis is from Japan.
Where is Murasaki SHikibu (紫式部) from?(時代)
She is from ___________.
Murasaki Shikibu is from Heian (平安)period.
Where is Carolina Reaper(キャロライナ・リーパ)from?(国)
It is from ____________.
Carolina Reaper is from the USA.
Where is Mr. Kabaya principle from?(動物園)
He is from __________.
Mr. Kabaya is from Ueno Zoo.
Where is Messi(リオネル・メッシ)from?(国)
He is from ____________.
MessI is from Argentina.
Where is darts(ダーツ)from?(国)
It is from _____________.
Darts is from Greece.
Where is Fukuzawa Yukichi(福沢諭吉)from?(県)
He is from ____________.
Fukuzawa Yukichi is from Osaka.