Robert Baden-Powell
Who founded Boy scouts?
This knot is used to connect two ropes of equal size, and you can remember how to tie it with "right over left, left over right".
How many continents are there?
What is 7?
The first point of the scout law.
What is trustworthy?
This tree, known for its brilliant red foliage in autumn, produces the sap used to make syrup.
What is a sugar maple?
The year boy scouts was founded.
what was 1908?
This knot is used to make a sturdy loop that won't slip, and can be tied by remembering " The rabbit comes out of the hole, goes around the tree, and goes back down the hole "
What is the bowline?
The author of the speech I Have a Dream.
Who was Martin Luther King Jr.
The 6th rank in scouting.
What is life rank?
This plant has three leaves, and gives you a rash if you touch it. (I really hope you get this)
What is poison Ivy?
William Dickson Boyce
Who brought scouting to the US?
This knot is used to join two rope of Different thickness.
What is a sheet bend?
The largest desert.
What is the Antarctic Desert?
Depicted on the scout rank patch.
What is a Fleur-de-lis?
You can chew on smaller branches of this tree, and they taste like root beer.
What is black birch?
The Year troop 15 was founded.
What is 1950?
The maximum safe height for pioneering projects.
What is 6 feet?
The president on the half dollar coin
Who was John F. Kennedy
The scout slogan.
What is "do a good turn daily"?
If you encounter this mammal in New England, you should stay calm, make yourself look big, and back away slowly.
Who was Robbie Hart?
Arthur Rose Eldred.
Who was the first Eagle scout in BSA?
This lashing is used to join two poles Parallel to each other, making a longer pole.
What is a round lashing?
The 37th president of the US.
Who was Richard Nixon?
The 7th principle of leave no trace.
What is "be considerate of other visitors"
This plant, often mistaken for clover, tastes quite sour, and is high in Vitamin C.
what is wood sorrel?