People (1/2)
People (2/2)

Also called the Seven Years War, Britain gained territories in North America, India, and the Caribbean (while France ceded much of its overseas empire).

What was the French and Indian War?


This movement refers to the spread and assimilation of Roman culture, language, laws, and infrastructure throughout the Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire

What was Romanization?


These people were the main subjects of "The Story of my Misfortunes". They were scientists, lovers, and has a son they unfortunately named "Astrolabe".

Who were Heloise and Abelard?


These people were the first King and Queen of Spain. Their marriage united Spain and eventually they ended the Reconquista.

Who were Ferdinand and Isabella?


Written by Benedict of Nursia, this was the rulebook for the first ever monasteries that included vows of Obedience, Stability, Conversion of Life, and Humility. 

What was the Rule of Benedict?


This war was first between Darius and the Athenians, then Xerxes and Greece.

What were the Persian Wars?


This was the spread of Greek culture.

What was Hellenization?


This person was the King of Macedonia for 13 years and is considered one of the greatest generals of all time as he defeated Persia

Who was Alexander the Great?


This person was a Portuguese explorer that is credited with the first voyage from Portugal to India, allowing Europe access to the Eastern spice trade.

Who was Vasco de Gama?


This event involved charges of Impiety I, Impiety II, and "perverting the young", and resulted in execution via drinking poison.

What was the Trial of Socrates?


There were 3 of these wars, which cemented Rome’s dominance over the western Mediterranean.

What were the Punic Wars?


This movement started in Italy and was based on the idea that the human was the pinnacle of God's creation.

What was Renaissance Humanism?


This person was known for being the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire before Constantine conquered it. He is significant because he helped Constantine bring religious freedom through the Edict of Milan.

Who was Licinius?


This person was a key military leader for the Parliamentarian side (general) in the English Civil War. He lead the capture and trial of King Charles I, and supported religious tolerance.

Who was Oliver Cromwell?


This took place in the late 1700s when over 130 enslaved were thrown overboard. When the slavers tried to commit insurance fraud, they lost the case.

What was the Zong Massacre?


This war was orchestrated by Otto von Bismarck. The war established both the German Empire and the French Third Republic and created tensions that would reemerge in WWI.

What was the Franco-Prussian War?


This was an 18th century intellectual movement led by philosophers that stressed the application of reason and the scientific method to all aspects of life where ideas concerning God, reason, nature, and humanity were synthesized into a worldview. Notable figures included Locke, Kant, and Voltaire.

What was the Enlightenment?


This person was a Frankish King who founded the Merovingian Dynasty. His life is significant because of his conversion to Christianity which strengthened ties with the church and encouraged other Germanic tribes to convert to Christianity as well.

Who was Clovis?


This person was the King of France during the French Revolution. He built the Palace of Versailles but was pretty much useless as a king and was eventually executed.

Who was King Louis XIV (14th)?


This thing was defined as “an imagined political community; imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign"

What was a Nation?


This BATTLE was one of the largest and bloodiest of WWI. Trench warfare and tanks were used.

What was the Battle of the Somme?


This movement advocated for individual freedom, limited government intervention, religious toleration, and the protection of civil liberties. It inspired things such as the American Revolution and abolition.

What was Liberalism?


Having the nickname, "The Lackland", this person was a king of England and was very terrible at his job--he was so bad, in fact, that he was the reason they made the Magna Carta.

Who was King John of England?


This person was born a slave in San Domingue, but took over the Haitian Revolution after Toussaint Louverture was captured. He is credited with the abolition of slavery in Haiti.

Who was Jean-Jacques Dessalines?


In this meeting, Hitler promised to Britain and France that if Germany gets Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, then he won’t take more countries. He says, “peace In our time” BUT, Hitler lies. This was the prelude to WWII.

What was the Munich Conference?
