Aileen _______ breakfast at 7 a.m. (+, eat)
Aileen eats
We ________ a movie last Friday. (+, watch)
We watched
I ________ to Russia next summer. (+, travel)
I will travel
They ________ basketball right now. (+, play)
They are playing
We ________________ together when the power went out. (+, sit)
We were sitting
________ you ever ________ a celebrity? (?, met)
Have you ever met
The workers ________________ the bridge for months. (+, build)
The workers have been building
The baby ________________ before his mom picked him up. (+, cry)
The baby had been crying
Alihan ________ broccoli or peas. (X , like)
Alihan doesn't like
We ________ manti for dinner last night. (+, eat)
We ate
He's ill, he ________ to the party (X, go)
He won't go
No, we ________________ TV. (X, watch)
No, we aren't watching
The students ________________ to the teacher.
(X, listen)
The students weren't listening
My little brother ________________ his room yet. (X, clean)
My little brother hasn't cleaned
I _____________ all day. (+, work)
I've been working
________ they ________ all day? (?, work)
Have they been working?
________ your brother ________ soccer? (?, play)
Does your brother play
________ they ________ their grandmother? (?, visit)
Did they visit
When ________ a meeting tomorrow? (?, have)
When will we have
________ your mom ________ dinner? (?, cook)
Is your mom cooking
The baby ________________ all night. (+, cry)
The baby was crying
My parents ________________ in this house for 20 years. (+, live)
My parents have lived
Rayana ________________ well lately. (X, sleep)
Rayana hasn't been sleeping
They ________________ to each other for weeks. (X, talk)
They hadn't been talking
The dog ________ at the mailman. (+, bark)
The dog barks
He ________ his story yesterday. (+, write)
He wrote
He ________ ever ________ you. (X, forget)
He won't ever forget
The baby ________ in his beshik. (+, sleep)
The baby is sleeping
Akmarjan ________________ well yesterday. (X, feel)
Akmarjan wasn't feeling
________ your friend, Mirbek, ever ________ sushi? (? , try)
Has your friend, Mirbek, ever tried
No, they ________________ regularly. (X, exercise)
No, they haven't been exercising
She ________________ the komuz and was quite bad now. (X, practice)
She hadn't been practicing
I ________ TV often. (X, watch)
I don't watch
I ________ her at the party. (x, see)
I didn't see
________ your sister ________ us? (?, join)
Will your sister join us?
________ you even ________ to me? (?, listen)
Are you even listening
________ you already ________ at 9pm? (?, sleep)
Were you already sleeping
________ this movie twice already. (+, see)
We've seen
________ you ________________ for the test? (?, study)
Have you been studying
He ________________ for five miles when he got tired. (+, run)
He had been running